- Marx's philosophy oversteps the traditional metaphysics. 马克思哲学是对西方传统形而上学的超越。
- However, modern scholars being against metaphysics regard traditional metaphysics as mendacious nonsense. 然而,现代反形而上学家们把传统形而上学看作是无意义的虚假陈述而加以拒斥。
- Marxian critique of traditional metaphysics roots in the exposition of the earthborn basis of metaphysics. 马克思对传统形而上学的批判是以对形而上学之世俗基础的揭示为出发点的。
- Modern western scientificism and humanism criticized western traditional metaphysics and got some positive achievement from different points. 现代西方科学主义与人文主义分别从不同的角度批判传统形而上学,取得了一定的积极成果。
- The second part is on the metaphysics in Kant"s eyes, including Kant"s critiques of the traditional metaphysics and his reconstruction of metaphysics. 第二部分为康德视域中的形而上学,阐述了康德的形而上学思想,包括康德对在他以前的旧形而上学的批判和他自己对形而上学的重建等内容;
- Leaky in many ways as it was, the traditional metaphysics as a rationally theorized pattern of the world made significant contributions to theorization of this type. 传统的形而上学尽管有种种缺陷,但它们作为理性论证的世界图式曾为这种论证做出过重大贡献。
- The problems, intension, mode of thinking and method characteristic of traditional metaphysics are decisively displayed in the philosophy of Plato who becomes indispensable in understanding metaphysics. 传统形而上学的问题、内涵、思维方式、方法特征在柏拉图哲学中已被决定性地展示出来了,不理解柏拉图,就不可能理解形而上学。
- As a follower of Nietzsche, the Stoics, Bergson, and other irrational philosophers, Deleuze was seeking the way to "reconstruct" philosophy after dethroning the traditional metaphysics. 作为尼采、斯多噶、柏格森等非理性哲学的信徒,德勒兹一直在寻找着在解构传统形而上学哲学之后哲学话语的重建工作。
- As a follower of Nietzsche, the Stoics, Bergson, and other irrational philosophers, Deleuze was seeking the way to “reconstruct” philosophy after dethroning the traditional metaphysics. 作为尼采、斯多噶、柏格森等非理性哲学的信徒,德勒兹一直在寻找着在解构传统形而上学哲学之后哲学话语的重建工作。
- In the 20th century, the body question became the noticed focus in philosophy and social science and their related fields and became the tool that overthrew the traditional Metaphysics. 摘要20世纪,身体问题在哲学以及社会学相关领域成为关注焦点和颠覆传统形而上学的工具。
- Criticism on the traditional metaphysical ontology is an important part of contemporary philosophic study, and criticism on modern speculative metaphysics since Descartes started originally by Hume. 对传统形而上学本体论的批判是当代哲学研究的重要内容,而对笛卡儿以来的近代思辨形而上学的批判最早源于休谟。
- To probe into some issues of art, we ought to begin from denying the traditional metaphysical question way of "what is art". 摘要尝试探讨艺术的一些问题,首先要从否定“艺术是什么”这一传统的形而上学的提问方式开始;
- Late in his philosophical study, Wittgenstein reflectes on and criticizes the traditional metaphysical theory thoroughly. 在后期哲学研究中,维特根斯坦对传统的形而上学思想进行了彻底的反思和清算。
- Chapter II."Deconstruction to metaphysic of the poetic of deconstructionism", analyzing mainly how the poetic of deconstructionism joined in the deconstructing of traditional metaphysic. 第二章“解构诗学对形而上学的拆毁”,主要分析解构主义诗学是如何参与解构传统形而上学的。
- Dissent from and Transcendence over Traditional Metaphysics: From Hume to Marx 对传统形而上学的反叛与超越:从休谟到马克思
- This traditional costume is of indigo blue. 这件传统服装是靛蓝色的。
- It have become fashionable to do down traditional moral value. 诋毁传统道德的价值已成为一种时髦事。
- Free from traditional social or moral constraints. 任意的不受传统的社会或道德限制的
- His novels follow traditional lines. 他的小说是以传统的方法创作的。
- The traditional breakfast in this area includes bacon and eggs. 这个地区传统的早饭包括火腿和鸡蛋。