- traditional concept of honesty 传统诚信观
- Thus it subverts the traditional concept of subjectivity. 因此也解构了传统的主观性的概念。
- Forrest Gump image to subvert the normal world of the heroic image, and the traditional concept of a strong anti-traditional, anti-mainstream. 阿甘形象的塑造颠覆了正常世界中的英雄形象,与传统观念背道而驰,具有强烈的反传统、反主流性。
- "Soft power" is a creative concept coined by Nye, but it also reflects a continuation of the traditional concept of power. 软权力思想既有创新意义,在一定程度上也是对传统权力思想的继承,因为传统权力思想既重视具体和物质性权力因素,也关注抽象和非物质性权力因素。
- He is the personification of honesty. 他是诚实的化身。
- The Bubbles Series serve as a reference to the Chinese traditional concept of qi (air, gas) and as a symbol of the transience of the human life cycle. “泡泡系列” 展示了中国传统对“气”的概念,同时暗示了生命的暂时性。
- To cultivate an expert-like instructor involves changing the traditional concept of position and constructing the corresponding cultivation mechanism. 培养专家型的辅导员需要转变辅导员执业岗位的传统观念,建立相应的培养机制。
- We adhere to the concept of honesty, factualism, deploitation, innovation and transcendence, in line with the principles of people-oriented, quality first, and advanced technology. 我们竭诚欢迎国内外客商光临指导,建立友好互利,真挚的合作关系,让我们携手共进为走向世界的民族汽车工业增添一份光彩。
- In terms of programming, it makes crash to the traditional concept of TV program, possible to prefigure the future tendency of TV industry. 在节目制作方面,它对传统的电视制作观念带来了冲击,很可能预示着未来电视产业化运作的方向。
- It has broken the traditional concept of culture standing high above the masses, and succeedingly broken its aspect of " loftiness" and toppled its " mystification". 它打破了视文化为高高在上的传统观念,继而砸碎“带高”颠覆“神秘”。
- Due to the influence of the traditional concept of efficiency, lack of social capital, localism and cultural conflict, building of harmonious regions has been arduous in China. 由于传统效率观的影响、社会资本缺乏、地方博弈和文化冲突,使我国和谐区域建设步履艰难。
- It demonstrates the traditional concept of reproducing and having a growing family;it also displays people's wish of praying for safety, health and intelligence for children. 温州儿童服饰民俗反映出注重繁衍后代、希望家族人丁兴旺的传统观念和人们祈求儿童平安、健康、聪明的美好愿望。
- With the further development of the reform of TEFL. the traditional concept of teaching is facing a big challenge and is being replaced by the student-centered one. 摘要随着外语教学改革的不断深入,传统的教学理念不断受到冲击,人们纷纷把研究的重点从受教育者的外部环境转向受教育者自身主观能动性的开发,提倡培养学生的自主学习能力。
- The world has a very unhappy notion of honesty. 世界对诚实有一种非常不恰当的看法。
- The post-modernist theory of knowledge has subverted the traditional concept of knowledge by advocating that knowledge is not represented but constructed. 摘要后现代主义认识论颠覆了传统的知识观:知识不是被展现出的而是被建构出的。
- He doubted of the importance of honesty. 他不相信诚实有多么重要。
- Some "translation" phenomena in the traditional concept of "translation" are actually interlingual descriptive use of language, such as advertisement, manual, and description etc. 某些传统意义上的“翻译”现象实际上都属于跨语际的描述性运用,比如广告、说明书、操作手册等的“翻译”。
- "Up to a certain extent, the workaholic, shopaholic, Internet addiction in patients with mental disorders are, but they are not the traditional concept of 'mental illness'. “达到一定程度后,工作狂、购物狂、网瘾者都是精神疾病患者,但他们并不是传统观念上的‘精神病’。”
- Lack of honesty or integrity;improbity. 不诚实,不正直;邪恶
- Who originated the concept of stereo sound? 立体声是谁发明的?