- For example, Taiwan respondents tended to perceive imagery of traditional authority in the symbolism of both the new and old NT dollar banknotes. 针对性别而言,男性也倾向对新版具有传统威权意涵的感觉。
- Customary land tenure is characterised by its largely unwritten nature, and usually managed by a traditional authority such as a chief or a family head. 习惯性土地使用权的特点是基本没有文字记录,通常由酋长或一家之主等传统权威予以管理。
- Antiwar demonstrations, black civil rights protests, women's rights activities, and rebellion by young people against traditional authority characterized the 1960s. 反战示威运动、黑人民权运动、妇女权益保护运动和青年人反对传统势力等一系列运动是美国60年代的特点。
- This scheme combined static authority allotment with dynamic access authorization,solving the restriction of traditional authority management system. 该方案采用静态权限分配与动态权限授权相结合,很好的解决了传统权限管理的僵化。
- The settlement of IDPs is taking place within consensual negotiations with local traditional authorities. 国内流离失所人口的安置工作正通过与地方传统权威的自愿协商予以开展。
- State Recognition and Democratization in Sub-Saharan Africa: A New Dawn for Traditional Authorities? 次撒哈拉沙漠非洲地区国家认同与民主化:传统政权新黎明?
- Some traditional authorities are enacting new laws to reinforce their land rights and enable them appropriate it for their own gain. 有些传统权威正在制定新的法律,以加强其地权并使其得以为自己的利益而将土地据为己有。
- Differences between real-time DVD Video recording system and traditional authoring DVD system were analyzed from the view of file format. 摘要从文件结构的角度分析了DVD实时录像系统与传统创作型DVD制作的不同,点。
- Critics say the constitutional blessing of collective rights and traditional authorities smacks of corporatism and will entrench undemocratic caciques (political bosses). 批评家称这个宪法表达的集体权利和传统的管理机构的愿望略有点社团主义的意味并将会产生不民主的酋长们(政治首脑)。
- Prominent liberal scholar John A.T. Robinson argued for early dates of the entire New Testament and ascribed many of the key New Testament texts to their traditional authors. 卓越的自由主义学者约翰A.;T
- This traditional costume is of indigo blue. 这件传统服装是靛蓝色的。
- the legitimacy of tradition authority 传统型
- It have become fashionable to do down traditional moral value. 诋毁传统道德的价值已成为一种时髦事。
- Free from traditional social or moral constraints. 任意的不受传统的社会或道德限制的
- His novels follow traditional lines. 他的小说是以传统的方法创作的。
- The traditional breakfast in this area includes bacon and eggs. 这个地区传统的早饭包括火腿和鸡蛋。
- He was actually a traditional actor shipwrecked on the wilder shore of farce. 他实际上是个传统的演员,被一场疯狂的闹剧给毁了。
- He arranged many traditional folk songs (for the piano). 他(为钢琴演奏)改编了很多传统民歌。
- This story is about sorcerers in traditional fairy-tales. 这个故事是关于传统童话中的魔术师 的。
- This theory is a negation of all traditional beliefs. 这理论否定了一切传统信念。