- traditional agriculture area 传统农区
- That state is classed as an agricultural area. 该州被划为农业区。
- The Credit Demand and Supply of Farmer Household in Traditional Agricultural Area--Based on the Inv 传统农区农户借贷的需求与供给--基于陕西渭北地区农户借贷行为的调查
- They lived in stone castles and relied on traditional agriculture for food. 他们住在石头上的城堡和依靠传统农业的食物。
- Before Song Dynasty, the provision of munitions was linked with traditional agriculture. 宋代以前,军需供应与传统农业紧密结合。
- Weiyuan County is a typical agricultural area. 渭源县是一个典型的农业区。
- Scale management is an effective way to transform traditional agriculture and realize agriculture modernization. 摘要规模经营是改造传统农业,实现农业现代化的有效途径。
- KDD and Data Mining was used in agriculture,but for the characteristics of agriculture area,normal data mining methods can't apply efficiently. KDD和数据挖掘技术在农业中得到应用,由于农业领域本身的特点,通常的数据挖掘技术得不到有效应用。
- Traditional agriculture basically is production of seasonal monolayer of earthy ground level, onefold supply and onefold output growth. 传统农业主要是季节性的土地平面单层生产、单一供给和单一的产量增长。
- Even traditional agricultural producers were not immune. 甚至传统的农业生产国也未能幸免。
- Beijing agriculture is transformed not exceptionally also of course to contemporary agriculture by traditional agriculture. 北京农业当然也不例外地由传统农业向现代农业转变。
- Some economist think, agrotechnical long-term backwater is traditional agriculture lags behind, cannot become economy to grow the reason of the source. 有的经济学家认为,农业技术长期停滞是传统农业落后,不能成为经济增长源的原因。
- The transformation of agriculture economy growth pattern is the core contents that the traditional agriculture transfers toward modern agriculture. 摘要农业经济增长方式的转变,是传统农业向现代农业过渡的核心内容。
- Sunshine of traditional agriculture aether is direct energy resources, use greenery to produce feed of human food, animal through photosynthesis. 传统农业以太阳光为直接能源,利用绿色植物通过光合作用生产人类食物、动物饲料。
- Abstract: In this article, the distribution of Vicia Sativa L. in the eastem agriculture area of Qinghai province was investigated and its resource amount was counted with the method of statistics. 文章摘要: 对青海省东部农业区救荒野豌豆的分布情况进行了调查,并用统计学的方法对其资源量进行计算。
- Three green shelters will be formed for the city. Development of green food and organic food will be advocated to shift the traditional agriculture into ecological sound one. 开展生态农业建设,发展绿色食品和有机食品,使农业生产转变为城市生态保障型农业。
- The agricultural area pollution and the wind-borne dust in the bare farmland should be harnessed. 农业面源污染、裸露农田扬尘基本得到控制。
- As china is a traditional agriculture country, the fanner and the countryside always play a fundamental role in this country's revolution and it's construction. 中国是个传统意义上的农业国家,农村问题,农业问题,始终是中国革命和建设的根本问题。
- Any is in the country of phase of traditional agriculture society, process of its economy development appears piece apparent " person ground " encircle a phenomenon circularly. 任何一个处于传统农业社会阶段的国家,其经济发展进程都呈现出明显的“人地”循环圈现象。
- The frustration on rural finance reform in China is related to rather the indefinite development direction of Chinese agriculture than preponderant traditional agriculture. 中国农村金融改革踌躇不前,虽然与中国农业以传统农业为主有关,但最主要的原因还是中国农业的发展方向不明。