- 3 years + pqe corporate or ip trademark lawyer for a top tier u.s. firm beijing ? minimum 3 years ex... 学历要求:不限学历|工作经验:3-5年|职位类型:全职|公司规模:
- You may need the services of a lawyer. 你也许需要律师的帮助。
- She is easily the best lawyer in the city. 她无疑是本市最好的律师。
- He's set up shop as a lawyer in town. 他在城里开业当律师。
- Have you noticed the trademark on the bottle? 你注意到瓶子上的商标了吗?
- A good lawyer can always find a loophole. 精明的律师总能找到漏洞。
- The lawyer was empowered to pay all her bills. 律师已被授权偿付她的一切帐单。
- A trademark for a microcomputer operating system. 微机系统管理一种微机操作系统的商标
- The lawyer unearthed some new evidence concerning the case. 律师发现了有关此案件的新证据。
- The defendant's lawyer petitioned for a new trial. 被告律师要求重新审理案子。
- The witness had been primed by a lawyer. 这证人曾经受到律师的指点。
- A trademark used for a brand of petroleum jelly. 凡士林用来作为石油脂的商标
- Clint Eastwood's trademark is his squint. 克林伊斯威特的特徵是他眯眯眼。
- As a lawyer she's totally incapable. 她当律师完全不合格。
- She has the makings of a good lawyer. 她具备当个好律师的素质。
- She is married to a prospective lawyer. 她嫁给了一个未来的律师。
- A trademark used for a civilian motor vehicle. 民用吉普车一种民用汽车商标
- They need the services of a good lawyer. 他们需要找个能干的律师协助处理。
- A trademark used for a repeating rifle or pistol. 毛瑟枪一种连发步枪和手枪的商标名
- Nothing can weaken his resolve to become a lawyer. 什么也动摇不了他要当律师的决心。