- Taiwan is a historical Wu Lasi on the Sino-Mongolian trade route. 乌拉斯台是历史上中蒙贸易通道。
- A large merchant ship formerly used on trade routes to India. 大商船一种大商船,历史上用作去往印度的商业航线
- An ancient region of southwest Palestine. Strategically located on a trade route from Egypt to Syria, the cities of the region formed a loose confederacy important in biblical times. 非利士巴勒斯坦西南一古代地区,战略上位于从埃及到叙利亚的贸易路线上,在圣经时代,这个地区的城市形成了一个松散的同盟重地
- More often than not, a bilateral deal unblocks one trade route only to silt up its tributaries. 双边排他性贸易协定常常只能堵住商路的支流,而非主流。
- The camel was the major form of transportation tool on the ancient trade route during the Tang Dynasty. 在古丝绸之路上,唐代的交通工具主要是骆驼。
- Gnome merchants are paying adventurers to clear and secure a trade route to a distant city. 侏儒商人正在雇用冒险者扫清并保护通往一个遥远城市的贸易之路。
- Trade routes of all towns have been updated. 贸易路线的所有城镇已被更新。
- Ottoman power is unmatched in its extent and grandeur, straddling the traditional trade route between Europe and Asia. 奥斯曼是无与伦比的权力的范围和宏伟,跨越传统 的贸易路线欧洲和亚洲之间。
- Located at a strategic position on an ancient trade route, it was ruled by numerous conquerors, primarily the Persians. 位于古代贸易通道的战略要地,曾被无数征服者统治过,最初的统治者为波斯人。
- But such depredation along a critical trade route threatens livelihoods around the world. 然而,此类在重要贸易通道的劫掠威胁着全世界人民的生活。
- It was a trade route in the 19th century, when the Igbo kingdom controlled commerce. 19世纪时是一条贸易路线,由伊格博人的王国控制著商业往来。
- An arm of the Mediterranean between Greece and Turkey,a main trade route for the ancient civilizations of Crete and Greece and Rome and Persia. 位于希腊和土耳其之间的地中海的海湾,在克利特岛和希腊以及罗马和波斯的古文明中的一个主要的商用航路。
- Without all that pesky ice in the way, the Arctic ocean would be completely open, creating a brand new trade route from the Atlantic to Asia. 如果没有那些讨厌的冰,北冰洋将会完全开放,在大西洋和亚洲之间创造出一条全新的贸易线路。
- It is inspired by the historical of traditions of culture exchange along ancient trade route, the Silk Road, which connected East and West. 这个计划是从历史传统的在古代贸易通道,连接东西方的丝绸之路上的文化交流而来的灵感。
- The Explorers' Guild Headquarters increases the movement speed of those trained here notably, and opens a lucrative trade route to India. 探险行会总部能够提高城邑中军队的行军效率,并能开辟与印度之间的贸易通商。
- The items recovered from the secret underground vault in Kabul attest to Afghanistan's rich past at the crossroads of the Silk Road, the region's ancient trade route. 照片里的展品是在阿富汗首都喀布尔找到的,它们反映出阿富汗作为丝绸之路上的重要国家拥有灿烂的古代文明。
- The items recovered from the secret underground vault inKabulattest to Afghanistans rich past at the crossroads of theSilkRoad, the regions ancient trade route. 照片里的展品是在阿富汗首都喀布尔找到的,它们反映出阿富汗作为丝绸之路上的重要国家拥有灿烂的古代文明。
- A narrow strait separating European and Asian Turkey and joining the Black Sea with the Sea of Marmara. It has been an important trade route since ancient times. 博斯普鲁斯将欧洲和亚洲土耳其相分离并将黑海与马尔马拉海相连接的狭长海峡,自古时起便是重要的贸易通道。
- India plans the protection trade route, first is the Middle East oil duct, as well as lives scatteredly in the Middle East and Africa's several million Indian citizen. 印度打算保护商路,首先是中东油路,以及散居在中东和非洲的数百万印度公民。
- The Babylonia was in the path of trade routes and commerce was extensive. 巴比伦位于古代贸易通道上,他们商业活动范围很广。