- A Political-Economy Perspective of International Trade Policy Cooperation 国际贸易政策合作的政治经济学视角
- Does it mean that you be apply a new foreign trade policy? 这是否意味着贵国正在实施新的外贸政策?
- trade policy cooperation 贸易政策合作
- Our new foreign trade policy is no more than some general practice in international trade. 我们的新外贸政策只不过是国际贸易中的一些通常做法罢了。
- Do it mean that you are applying a new foreign trade policy? 这是否意味着贵国正在实施新的外贸政策?
- Does it mean that you are applying a new foreign trade policy? 这是否意味着贵国正在实施新的外贸政策?
- WTO Agricultural Trade Policy Training Completed in Ottawa. WTO与农业贸易政策培训在渥太华结束。
- I'd like to know something about your foreign trade policy. 我很想了解有关贵国对外贸易的政策。
- America's Trade Policy in the Globalization Era: Who Dominates? 谁在主导全球化时代的美国贸易政策?
- A Comparison of Trade Policy Among the Countries II. 各国贸易政策比较2。
- IMPORT IS COVERED UNDER OGL AS PER FOREIGN TRADE POLICY 2004-2009. 上面的这句话没有什么含义吧?或者说针对这句话应该单据上有所表示?
- Apart from fostering monetary policy cooperation, the BIS has always performed "traditional" banking functions for the central bank community (eg gold and foreign exchange transactions), as well as trustee and agency functions. 除了鼓励货币政策合作,国际清算银行一直为中央银行执行“传统”的金融业务功能,(例如:进行黄金和外汇交易活动),也执行信托和代理功能。
- The formation of a customs union is one of those trade policy changes. 组成关税同盟是贸易政策的一种变化。
- This equivocation has carried through to his trade policy appointments. 这种不明朗的态度也贯穿于他对贸易政策官员的任命过程中。
- Thus did the firm's 15 tubs become entangled in Korean trade policy. 结果这家公司的15套按摩浴缸遭遇到韩国的贸易政策。
- The demand-and-supply-curve framework is the main geometric tool that will be used in analyzing trade policy options. 供求曲线的结构是用于分析贸易政策选择的主要几何图形工具。
- It also became the chairman of PECC's Trade Policy Forum (TPF),one of the council's most important fora. 此外,香港委员会又担任贸易政策研讨会的主席,这个研讨会是太平洋经济合作议会最重要的论坛之一。
- During the period,Hong Kong was also the co-ordinator of the Trade Policy Forum,one of PECC's most important fora. 此外,在此期间香港亦担任太平洋经济合作议会贸易政策论坛的主席,该论坛是议会最重要的论坛之一。
- Rational trade policies, based on science, not on politics or protectionism. 理性的贸易政策,基于科学的出处,而非政策或保护主义。
- Our foreign trade policy come into line with the desire and interest of the people in the developing countries. 我们的外贸政策与发展中国家人民的愿望和利益的一致的。