- trade mark logo 商品标识标志
- Your logo or trade mark can be added to the wooden hanger in a number of ways. 你的公司徽号或标志,可以透过以下的方法加在木衣架上。
- What's your opinion on the trade mark ? 商标问题,你们怎么考虑?
- What's youropinion on the trade mark? 商标问题,你们怎么考虑?
- I want to register a trade mark. 我想给商标注册。
- What's your opinion on the trade mark? 商标问题,你们怎么考虑?
- Is it possible to have a trade mark transferred? 是否有可能转让商标?
- Every story's got a trade mark Bradbury twist. 每个故事都贴上了布雷德伯里怪诞的标签。
- The registered trade mark is:"JEA". 年设计生产能力2万吨。
- Guangzhou Fujian Trade Mark Products Color Printing Co., Ltd. 广州市富兴商标彩色印制有限公司。
- The registered trade mark of the products is... brand. 产品注册商标为.
- The trade mark is an intangible asset of every enterprise. 商标是企业的一项无形资产。
- We should protect ownership of trade marks. 我们应该保护商标权。
- How to assess patents and trade marks? 怎样估价专利和商标?
- The best way to get the trade mark off the bottle is to soak it off. 把商标从瓶子上揭下来的最好办法是用水泡湿再揭。
- The trade mark on other facilities seems to be gotten rid of carefully. 其他设施上的商标好象被仔细地弄掉了。
- German Patent and Trade Mark Office Currently available in German only. 瑞典民间设计公司,产品以简洁优雅为诉求。
- For Surface Protection on Trade Mark, drawing and Others, Also for Book Cover. 适用于商标、图案、标志等之表面保护,亦可做为书套用。
- How long will it take to obtain the approval from the Trade Mark Bureau? 获得商标局的核准要多长时间?
- We're here to discuss the trade marks of your products. 我们来谈谈贵产品的商标一事。