- Welcome to upload your files if the track log or POI files may complete it. 如果您的轨迹或地标档中包含了这儿所缺的路段或地标;欢迎上传.
- Just download the photos from your camera and get the GPX formatted track log from your GPS Receiver. 只需从相机下载的照片并获得中继从格式化您的GPS接收机跟踪日志。
- Special software compares the time the picture was taken with the track log and embeds the coordinates into the image.Now I not only know what I shot, but where I shot it. 然后再使用特殊软件对比照片拍摄时间,把命中的经纬度坐标嵌入到照片中去,所以我不仅知道拍摄时间,还知道拍摄地点。
- Move the message tracking log directory to another hard disk drive. 将邮件跟踪日志目录移动至其他硬盘驱动器。
- No message content is stored in the message tracking log. 邮件跟踪日志中不存储任何邮件内容。
- You can control the output format of the message tracking log search. 您可以控制邮件跟踪日志搜索的输出格式。
- This parameter specifies the maximum size of the message tracking log files. 此参数指定邮件跟踪日志文件的最大大小。
- The message tracking log stores each message event on a single line in the log. 邮件跟踪日志将每个邮件事件存储在日志中的一行上。
- The date-time field in the message tracking log stores information in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). 邮件跟踪日志中的date-time字段以协调世界时(UTC)格式存储信息。
- This parameter searches for message tracking log entries with the specified Message-ID: header field in the message. 该参数搜索邮件中具有指定Message-ID:头字段的邮件跟踪日志条目。
- Specify a maximum size for the directory that contains the message tracking log files. 指定包含邮件跟踪日志文件的目录的最大大小。
- By default, the subject line of an e-mail message is stored in the message tracking log. 默认情况下,电子邮件的主题行存储在邮件跟踪日志中。
- The message tracking log search tools automatically convert your regional date-time query into UTC. 邮件跟踪日志搜索工具会自动将区域日期-时间查询转换为UTC格式。
- Our pilotless rocket enters the track of the earth. 我们把一个无人驾驶的火箭送入了地球的轨道里。
- The placeholder nnnn is an instance number that starts at the value of 1 daily for each message tracking log file name prefix. 占位符nnnn是每个邮件跟踪日志文件名称前缀的每天的实例编号,其值从1开始。
- Renaming old log files or copying other files into the message tracking log directory could cause the directory to exceed its specified maximum size. 重命名旧日志文件或将其他文件复制到邮件跟踪日志目录可能会导致目录超出指定的最大大小。
- This rough track will soon be a metalled road. 这条坑坑洼洼的路不久就要铺上碎石了。
- However, in Exchange Server 2003, the permissions on the message tracking log share have been restricted to the local Administrators group by default. 但是,在Exchange Server 2003中,在默认情况下,只有本地Administrators组才拥有邮件跟踪日志共享位置的权限。
- I'm trying to track down my old Aunt Maud. 我正试图寻找到我那年迈的婶婶莫德。
- The cyclist went at full sail along the track. 自行车手沿着跑道全速前进。