- toxigenic saprophyte 毒性腐生植物
- The "saprophyte" B may become a threat to A. “腐生植物”b可能构成对A的威胁。
- All toxigenic moulds belonged to Penicillium and Aspergillus. 生成霉菌毒素的霉菌都属于青酶和曲霉。
- A plant, such as a parasite or saprophyte, that obtains its nourishment from other living or dead organisms. 异养植物一株从其他的活的或死的有机物身上得到养分的植物,如寄生植物或腐生植物
- The screening test on toxigenic strain and different toxigenic mediafor producing moniliformin were carried out. 为大量生产串珠镰刀菌素,对产毒菌株和不同产毒培养基进行了筛选实验。
- A plant,such as a parasite or saprophyte,that obtains its nourishment from other living or dead organisms. 异养植物一株从其他的活的或死的有机物身上得到养分的植物,如寄生植物或腐生植物
- Saprobe (saprophyte) An organism that derives its nourishment by absorbing the products or remains of other organisms. 腐生植物:该类生物直接以其他生物的光合产物或遗体为营养来源。
- The present study introduces the current progress in cholera toxin assay and identification of Vibrio cholerae toxigenic strains. 本文介绍了霍乱毒素和霍乱弧菌产毒株检测技术的研究进展。
- When he dissolved this kind the human was angry the toxigenic water to inject white rat in vivo, might send the white rat in the deathtrap. 他将这种因溶解了人生气时产生毒素的水注射到大白鼠体内,可致大白鼠于死地。
- A fleshy white or reddish plant(Monotropa hypopithys)growing as a saprophyte or parasite on tree roots and having racemes with a few drooping flowers. 水晶兰一种肉质的白色或红色植物(毛花松下兰水晶兰属),长在树根上作为腐生物和寄生虫,具有带一些垂下花的总状花序
- A fleshy white or reddish plant(Monotropa hypopithys) growing as a saprophyte or parasite on tree roots and having racemes with a few drooping flowers. 水晶兰一种肉质的白色或红色植物(毛花松下兰水晶兰属),长在树根上作为腐生物和寄生虫,具有带一些垂下花的总状花序
- Actinomycosis is a granulomatous suppurative disease caused mainly by Actinomyces israelii which is a normal saprophyte of the oral cavity, nasopharynx and gastrointestinal tract. 摘要放射线菌病主要是由一种存在人体口腔、鼻咽部及肠胃道的正常腐物寄生菌(以色列放射线菌)感染所形成的化脓性肉芽肿疾病。
- They are deeply discussed in the paper about the reason why the afla-toxin is produced,identification o f toxigenic strain and the ways to pre vent and cure aflatoxin in the food fermentation industry. 特别是对黄曲霉毒素的产生原因和产霉菌株的鉴别及在食品酿造工业中的防治做了深入的介绍。
- a facultative parasite can exist as a parasite or a saprophyte. 兼性寄生菌能够象寄生虫或腐生物一样生存。
- An Overview on Toxigenic Fungi and Mycotoxins in Europe 欧洲有毒真菌与真菌毒素综述
- Mutagenic Study on Aspergillus versicolor Toxigenic Cultures 杂色曲霉产毒培养物的诱变性研究
- Keywords Food poisoning;Oxalate Penicillium;Toxigenic; 食物中毒;草酸青霉;产毒素;
- 3.a facultative parasite can exist as a parasite or a saprophyte. 兼性寄生菌能够象寄生虫或腐生物一样生存。
- toxigenic Pasteurella multocida serotype D from swine 猪源D型产毒素多杀性巴氏杆菌
- 4.a facultative parasite can exist as a parasite or a saprophyte. 兼性寄生菌能够象寄生虫或腐生物一样生存。