- Toxic megacolon (megacolon toxicum) is a life-threatening complication of other intestinal conditions. 什么是'毒性巨结肠-重病扩张型结肠癌'?
- Toxic megacolon secondary to infective colitis is rare in children, but it can be severe, and it has a high mortality rate. 传染性大肠炎引发的毒性巨肠在儿童虽不多见,但是一但发生它可以是猛爆且有高死亡率。
- In the all,19 cases were admitted because of the complications,such as colonic hemorrhage,colon perforation,toxic megacolon,stoma fistula and so on. 因结肠出血、肠穿孔、中毒性巨结肠和吻合口瘘等并发症入院病人19例,内科治疗无效而无并发症入院病人7例。
- Toxic megacolon is defined as a severe episode of colitis with segmental or total dilatation of the colon.It typically presents with systemic signs such as fever, tachycardia, and hypotension. 摘要毒性巨肠症的定义为病情严重的大肠炎同时引发大肠的急性胀大,它典型的全身性毒性症候有:高烧、心跳过速和低血压。
- However, with the extensive inflammation characteristic of toxic megacolon the full thickness of the bowel wall may be involved, and the process may progress to necrosis and perforation of the colon. 然而,伴随中毒性巨结肠炎症扩大的特点,累及增厚全层肠壁,且进程将继续并坏死和穿透结肠。
- Pseudomembranous colitis leading to toxic megacolon associated with antineoplastic chemotherapy: a case report 直肠癌术后化疗后伪膜性肠炎并发中毒性巨结肠一例报告
- The factory had been sending out toxic fumes. 这家工厂一直在排放有毒的废气。
- Beware how you handle the toxic chemical. 小心处理有毒的化学药品。
- A toxic chemical or other substance. 有毒的化学品或其它物质
- The degree to which a substance is toxic. 毒效一种物质毒性所达到的程度
- toxic megacolon 中毒性巨结肠
- A substance having a specific toxic effect on certain cells. 细胞毒素对某些细胞有特殊毒害作用的物质
- Derived from or containing toxic matter. 从有毒物质中获得的或含有有毒物质的
- Toxic doses can produce a febrile effect. 中毒剂量可产生发热作用。
- Are they metabolized to more toxic compounds. 它们是否被代谢成毒性更强的化合物?
- A toxic condition;toxic hepatitis. 中毒状况,中毒性肝炎
- Many pesticides are highly toxic. 许多杀虫剂毒性很大。
- Too much toxic waste is being dumped at sea. 太多的有毒废料在向大海里倾倒。
- The quality or condition of being toxic or destructive to the liver. 肝中毒对肝有毒的或毁灭性的性质或状况
- Changed ambient sound to toxic ambient sound. 对启动之后的效果音进行了调整。