- The factory had been sending out toxic fumes. 这家工厂一直在排放有毒的废气。
- Beware how you handle the toxic chemical. 小心处理有毒的化学药品。
- toxic anemia due to infection 感染引起的毒性贫血
- A toxic chemical or other substance. 有毒的化学品或其它物质
- toxic anemia 中毒性贫血
- The degree to which a substance is toxic. 毒效一种物质毒性所达到的程度
- The doctors analyzed the blood sample for anemia. 医生们分析了贫血的血样。
- Cattle are immune to equine infections anemia. 牛不感染马传染性贫血。
- AZT can cause severe side effects, such as anemia. 但AZT会引发严重的副作用,像是贫血。
- The doctor analysed the blood sample for anemia. 医生化验血样看是否贫血。
- A substance having a specific toxic effect on certain cells. 细胞毒素对某些细胞有特殊毒害作用的物质
- The doctors analysed the blood sample for anemia. 医生们分析了贫血的血样。
- Anemia may result from esophagitis. 食管炎可能引起贫血。
- Derived from or containing toxic matter. 从有毒物质中获得的或含有有毒物质的
- Most cases of aplastic anemia are idiopathic. 多数再生障碍性贫血的病例是自发性的。
- Toxic doses can produce a febrile effect. 中毒剂量可产生发热作用。
- Are they metabolized to more toxic compounds. 它们是否被代谢成毒性更强的化合物?
- I was put on iron tablets for my anemia. 我曾因贫血吃补铁药片。
- A toxic condition;toxic hepatitis. 中毒状况,中毒性肝炎
- Anemia is frequently seen in advanced disease. 贫血在进展期中最常见。