- The excitement about the new power plant was merely town talk. 关于新发电厂的纷纷议论只不过是桩传闻。
- They have been the town talk ever since their elopement. 他们自私奔以来就一直是人们闲谈的话题。
- She talk me into go to town with her. 她说服了我跟她一块儿进城。
- Their engagement is the talk of the town. 他们订婚的事成了镇上谈论的话题。
- There was a steep climb on the road out of town. 市外公路上有一处很陡的上坡路。
- I encourage them to talk all mutually. 我鼓励他们都互相交谈。
- That old lady is very nosy, so nobody likes to talk to her. 那个老妇人是个包打听,因此没有人喜欢跟她说话。
- I must sally forth into town and buy my week's food. 我得赶快去城里采购一星期吃的食物。
- The medieval town was fortified with a high wall and a deep moat. 这座中世纪的城市周围建有城墙和护城河。
- His talk was evocative of the bygone days. 他的谈话令人回忆起往昔的时日。
- People in this town know him as a lunatic. 这个镇上的人们称他为疯子。
- I don't talk with my boss about my private matters. 我不和我的老板谈私事。
- We are well served with gas in this town. 这个城镇煤气供应得很好。
- She tried to buy time by doing a lot of talk. 她企图以滔滔不绝的谈话来拖延时间。
- The factory is situated on the edge of the town. 这座工厂坐落在该城的边上。
- Don't always indulge in empty talk. 别总是纸上谈兵。
- The hotel is situated at the edge of the town. 该饭店坐落于市区的边缘。
- I wish to talk with you in private. 我希望能私下里同你谈话。
- A preacher stood declaiming in the town centre. 传教士站在市镇中心慷慨陈词。
- The town boasts four swimming pools. 这座城镇以拥有四个游泳池而自豪。