- Needless to say, I was telling the truth when I told him I knew exactly what the Tower of Silence was and that I had no intention of violating the Parsee laws. 很明显,我说的是事实,我真的知道寂静之塔是什么,我也不想违反帕西人的法律。
- The famous tower of Pisa leans at an angle. 有名的比萨塔是斜的。
- The investigators were confronted by a wall of silence. 调查人员碰了壁,谁也不回答他们的问题。
- My mother has been a tower of strength during my husband's long illness. 我母亲在我丈夫长期患病期间一直是我可信赖的人。
- "What else do you see?" asked the captain after a moment of silence. "你还看见什么?"上尉沉默了片刻后又问。
- After an hour of silence,our guns spoke. 经过一个小时的沉寂之后,我们的大炮发出了轰鸣声。
- The fortified main tower of a castle; a keep. 城堡防御主塔;看护者
- An interval of silence shows respect for the dead. 片刻默哀向死者致敬。
- The bells are in the tower of the church. 钟在教堂的钟楼里。
- A moment of silence followed this triple proposal. 随着这三个建议而来的是一阵沉默。
- Example of the Tower of Hanoi game/algorithm. 这个例子演示了汉若塔游戏其及算法。
- First, there is the eloquence of silence. 首先是寂静的妙趣。
- They have visited the Tower of London. 他们已参观过伦敦塔了。
- There followed a moment of silence. 紧接着一阵沉默。
- What makes the Tower of Pisa lean? 比萨塔为什么是斜的?
- At the other end is the great tower of the Louvre. 另一端是卢浮宫的巨塔。
- The implication of silence infers consent. 沉默意味着同意。
- Mr. Foster is a tower of strength to his party. 福斯特先生是他的政党中流砥柱。
- The phone call came after months of silence. 几个月没有音信之后,打来了一个电话。
- The Leaning Tower of Pisa is easy to recognize. 比萨斜塔非常醒目。