- tourist management course 旅游管理专业
- Peter was marked out for a special management course . 彼得被选定接受一特别管理课程。
- He had planned to do a management course but since then he had thrown it up. 他本打算修一门管理课程,但从那以后他又放弃了。
- The Appliance of Case Didactics in the Teaching of Management Course. 案例教学法在管理学教学中的运用。
- From2005-2007, I completed the bachelor of business management course in APMI. 2005年-2007年就读于新加坡亚太商业学院,完成澳洲南澳国立大学工商管理学士课程。
- Larissa: Yes, I had to take out an overdraft with my bank to pay for a management course. 拉里萨:不错,我为了修习一个管理课程,曾向银行透支了一笔钱。
- In the enterprise informative management course, it requires to reach popularity rate, integrated rate and contribution rate. 在企业信息化管理过程中,要求达到普及率、成率和贡献率。
- This is just a 15 minute power-nap as described in that time management course your sent me. “这是15分钟的“能量盹”,是在您让我上的时间管理课中学到的。”
- higher vocational tourist management 高职旅游管理
- To win more clients ,the management course of our company is human is the root, deploitation-enterprising, honesty-sureness and study-innovation... 公司今天的发展离不开您的关心,明天的进取仍需要您的精诚合作,将来的发展和走向辉煌更加需要您的大力支持!
- Department of Tourist Management 旅游管理系
- Students sharing each other's Hopes &Fears in respect of the Risk Management course aloud in an Ice Breaker exercise facilitated by David Pun. 潘国梁在破冰习作中引导学员高声分享对风险管理科目的期望与忧虑。
- But the real finance function and performance evaluation inclines to take profit as masterstroke, and lack necessary relation between finance management course and objects. 但现实中企业的财务运行及其绩效评价往往以利润为主线而展开,财务管理过程与其目标之间又往往缺乏必要的联系桥梁。
- The leading construction project management course in Europe, designed to increase your understanding of the development process and introduce you to management ... 领先的建设项目旨在提高您对发展进程的理解和你介绍给欧洲的管理技能,管理课程。
- A mugger demanded the tourist's money. 强盗向那位观光客索取金钱。
- The tourist complained that the room was too dirty. 游客抱怨说房间太脏了。
- Executive Development Course - The third and last of GE's three executive management courses. 执行开发课程-通用电气公司三个执行管理课程中第三个且为最后一个课程。
- Swallow Cave Tourist Management Office Of ChenXi County 燕子洞旅游管理处
- The country depends heavily on its tourist trade. 这个国家的经济在很大程度上依靠其旅游业。