- tourism integrated marketing 旅游整合营销
- How much do you know about integrated marketing communications? 你对整合营销传播的了解有多少?
- This study attempts to integrate the constructs of integrated marketing communication (IMC) and sport tourism to explore their influence on marketing results and brand image. 摘要本研究结合整合行销传播与运动观光二个变项,探讨其对行销绩效与品牌形象之影响。
- Integrated Marketing is an important area in MIE (Modern Industry Engineering). 集成化管理是现代工业工程的一个重要领域。
- Our services include: exhibition & conference, IDG global solutions, and integrated marketing service. 我们的服务包括:展览及会议、IDG全球解决方案、整合市场营销服务。
- Our Services: Expo &Conference, IDG Global Solutions, Integrated Marketing Service. 我们的服务:展览和会议、IDG全球解决方案、整合市场营销服务。
- Our Services: Expo&Conference, IDG Global Solutions, Integrated Marketing Service. 我们的服务:展览和会议、IDG全球解决方案、整合市场营销服务。
- The fifth part narrates specifically the measures to realize the structure of the integrated marketing strategies. 第五部分进一步阐述了具体实现第四部分的整合营销体系的措施。
- Corporate with CCTV, planned and executed integrated marketing program of “ Dream China” for Newman Ltd. 联合中央电视台,为纽曼客户策划并执行了“梦想中国电视大赛”地方整合营销推广。
- The main question of this research is regarding the integrated marketing solution for the Glory Grand Market (GGM). 本报告研究的主要问题是“光彩市场”的整体营销思路。
- EASE-IMA is an integrated marketing solution provider and executer for real estate, constructional material and IT&T. IMA是专业服务于家居、建材、地产企业、通信、IT客户的市场营销策划与执行机构。
- The Integrated Marketing Services provided by IDG aim at helping clients emerge from the stiff competition in the fluctuated market. IDG提供“整合市场营销服务”(Integrated Marketing Services),协助客户在瞬息万变的信息市场中脱颖而出
- Him the use of easy to learn, learn the Five Elements, Chinese medicine, health science, sand science, astrology, horticulture, psychology, tourism integration of China's cultural heritage. 他运用易学、五行学、中医药学、养生学、风沙学、占星学、园艺学、心理学、旅游学对中国文化遗产进行整合。
- LIMA China offers provide as effective and integrated marketing platform in China for both domestic and international companies in licensing industry. LIMA中国凭借着会议、展览、教育、培训、网络媒体、出版物等构成了海内外企业扩展中国市场的最佳商务平台。
- The forum kicks off in Daytona Beach, FL, with a tour of Direct Mail Express, an integrated marketing company employing 550. 该论坛揭幕代托纳比奇在佛罗里达州,并参观了直邮快递,综合营销公司雇用550名。
- Integrated market offer extracts and compile this print as follows, I wish his Shan Zhishi, can attack jade. 本刊综合集纳摘编如下,但愿他山之石,可以攻玉。
- SMEs can also innovate the marketing management mode through Direct Marketing, Integrated Marketing, Customized Marketing, Soft Marketing, etc. 在营销管理上,可通过直复式营销、整合营销、定制营销和软营销等方式创新管理模式。
- The purpose of formulating optimal decision on integrated marketing communications is to explore the best pattern of advertisement expense. 摘要制订整合营销沟通方案最优决策的目的是寻求最优的广告支出方式以获得最大收益。
- The island has been ruined by tourism. 该岛毁在旅游业上了。
- The Deep Cold Ltd. is a professional ads agency which provides the enterprises with integrated marketing and spreading diversified service. 深寒传播是为品牌企业提供整合行销传播多元化服务的专业广告代理机构。