- tourism in minority villages 民族村寨旅游
- cultural tourism in minority areas 民族文化旅游
- The status of tourism in Tibet's economy is rising. 旅游业在西藏国民经济中的地位日趋提高。
- Don't get bogged down in minor issues. 不要在枝节问题上打圈子。
- Tourism in the coastal area is very prosper. 沿海地区的旅游也非常兴
- Las Vegas tourism in the western city. 留学解答资讯网:拉斯维加斯是西部旅游城。
- Autumn is the peak season for tourism in Beijing. 秋天是北京的旅游旺季。
- A collision involving motor vehicles that results in minor damage. 小车祸一种损失很小的机动车相撞事故
- Tourism in China was almost stagnant in year 2003 because of sars. 因为萨斯,中国的旅游业在2003年差不多停滞不前。
- tourism in minority areas 民族旅游
- In Dai minority villages, country folk receive guests in their bamboo homes with hot and sour dishes complemented by ice-cold beer that cools you to the quick. 在傣家风味城村,农户都在自家的竹楼里招待客人,酸酸辣辣的口感配上冰镇啤酒会让你爽到骨头里。
- The studying on the participation of minority villager in the tourism development is an important part of studying an community tourism. 摘要少数民族村寨旅游地的村民参与旅游开发,是社区旅游研究的重要内容。
- The fifth, it specifically illuminated the building of the rural tourism development pattern in minority region according to the development environment inTibet Lhasa City. 第五,结合西藏拉萨市的开发环境条件,具体说明少数民族地区乡村旅游的发展模式的构建。
- China has instituted a system of regional autonomy in minority areas. 中国在少数民族聚居地区实行民族区域自治。
- The business benefits from the local tourism in the summer. 夏天商业可以从当地的旅游业中获益。
- Yang Xia,a gold medallist in weight lifting,came from a Tujia minority village. 杨霞一位举重运动的金牌得主,来自土家少数民族的村庄。
- They will also be treated with hospitality and specialized folk customs of diversified ethnic minorities of the Dai,Jinuo,Hani,Lahu,Bulang and Wa in the ethnic minority villages. 进入民族村寨可体验傣族、基诺族、哈尼族、拉祜族、布朗族、佤族等多种少数民族热情好客、风格各异的民风民俗。
- The invader laid towns and villages in ruins. 入侵者把村镇变为废墟。
- Hughes has elicited fear in Minor League hitters with his electric pitches. 休斯以他的强力投球让小联盟的打者恐惧不已。
- We hope that this investment will lead to increased tourism in the area. 我们希望这项投资能促进区内旅游业的增长。