- Increasing Capital Input for Poverty Reduction. 加大扶贫开发投入力度
- tourism for poverty reduction 旅游扶贫
- In March 2001, the OECD held a Global Forum on Exploiting the Digital Opportunities for Poverty Reduction in collaboration with the UN, UNDP and the World Bank. 2001年3月,经合组织举行的全球论坛数码机遇扶贫开发同联合国、开发计划署和世界银行。
- The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have warned the prospects for poverty reduction in the developing world are looking bleaker , because of the global financial crisis. 世界银行和国际货币基金组织警告,由于全球金融危机,发展中国家减少贫困的希望渺茫。
- On countermeasures for poverty reduction 关于反贫困的对策
- key counties for poverty reduction 扶贫重点县
- strategies for poverty reduction 扶贫策略
- This is virtual tourism for Austin, Tx. 这是虚拟旅游。
- For poverty alleviation loans, RMB 30 billion. 对于扶贫贷款,300亿元人民币。
- Micro Credit, Poverty Reduction and Chinese Woman. 小额信贷扶贫与妇女发展及其在中国的实践。
- Laziness often accounts for poverty. 懒惰常导致贫穷。
- Western economists may tout foreign direct investment and global- isation as the reasons for China's poverty reduction. 西方经济学家可能会吹嘘说,外国直接投资和全球化才是中国减贫的原因。
- Increasing budgetary funds and loans for poverty alleviation. 增加财政扶贫资金和扶贫贷款。
- How does FDI affect poverty reduction in rural China? 外国直接投资如何影响中国的农村扶贫?
- But the material benefits of tourism for local residents are hard to overstate,especially for people long mired in poverty and desperate for a way out. 但是对地方性的居民观光事业的物质利益是难夸大的叙述,尤其因为人们渴望在贫穷方面陷于泥泞和不顾死活为一个出路。
- What are the causes and solutions, if any, for poverty? 贫穷的原因是什么,有什么解决的方法?
- Poverty reduction in rural China and government intervention. 中国农村反贫困与政府干预。
- No amount of riches can atone for poverty of character. 万贯家财亦难弥补人格之贫乏。
- poverty reduction through tourism 旅游扶贫
- We share our experiences of work on poverty reduction, and have opened a dialogue on our co-operation in Africa. 我们就减少贫困所做的工作进行相互交流,并且我们之间已就非洲合作问题开通了对话渠道。