- Rome Total War Barbarian Invasion Standalone. 罗马。全面战争。蛮族入侵。独立版。
- NO prior installation of rome total war was found. 好象是无法找到原版的罗马;然后安装无法继续.
- "On War" advocates the total war. 《战争论》主张总体战争。
- So, the Empire: Total War factions have yet to be finalised. 因此,《帝国:全面战争》派系仍有待敲定。
- Total War is simultaneously dignified history and entry-level pop. 全战是严肃的历史;以及大众接受的入门级别.
- Finally! Total War is heading into XVIII century. With naval combat! 终于,“全面战争”的战火燃烧到了18世纪,战场延伸至海面!
- Prussian army officer and military theorist who proposed the doctrines of total war and war as an instrument of policy. His treatise On War was published posthumously(1833). 克劳塞维茨,卡尔·冯1780-1831普鲁士军官和军事理论家,提出了总体战概念和战争是政治的工具。其论著战争论在其死后出版(1833年)
- The game engine for Shogun: Total War was enhanced for Medieval: Total War. 起初游戏引擎为幕府 : 中世纪全面战争增强。
- You'll fight battles in the great outdoors in this upcoming sequel to Medieval: Total War. 你会在中世纪:全面战争的续作中,在漂亮的室外场景里展开作战。
- In total war it is quite impossible to draw any precise line between military and nonmilitary problems. 在总体战中,很难在军事问题和非军事问题之间划出什么明确的界线。
- Medieval 2: Total War is set in an era where faith ruled the lives of men, regardless of whether they were pauper or prince. 中世纪2全面战争设定在一个信仰规范着人们生活的时代,不管他们是贫民还是王子。
- A: Both of these questions assume that Empire: Total War will run on tram lines of historical inevitability. 答:这两个问题都假设《帝国》将运行在历史的单行线上。
- How are you finding revisiting the Medieval era with the new Total War game? What are you working on at the moment? 你们是如何再次接手中世纪时期的?你们那时是如何工作的?
- Shogun: Total War was the first game in the series, and appeared back in 2000 on PC. 幕府将军:全面战争;是在第一场比赛系列;似乎早在2000年就电脑.
- Naturally, some aspects of a Total War game are "givens": a turn based strategy game and real time battles. 当然,全面战争系列游戏的一些方面是“从来就有”的:一个回合制的战略游戏和实时战术战场。
- Total war, whether it be hot or cold, enlists everyone and calls upon everyone to assume his part. ...一场全面的战争,无论是热战或是冷战,征募所有的人,号召所有的人参与,号召每个人尽到自己的责任。
- Why did the "Jul.7", 1937 incident occurred at the Lugou bridge in China lead rapid to the total war in the Far East? 摘要七七卢沟桥事变之所以迅速成为远东战争全面爆发的导火索,是因为在事变之前日本和中国的政局均发生了重大变化。
- These Field Marshals and Generals stand ready to provide your Total War forces with clever stratagems. 这些元帅和将军们正列阵在前,准备为您的“全面战争”提供不同的计谋。
- Empire: Total War FAQ. This month we are once again setting sail on the high seas to answer more of your Navel warfare questions. 欢迎到来到帝国全战第四次问答,本月让我们再一次在公海上巡航来回答更多关于海战的问题。
- These add rich new layers of grand strategy to the formula and yet, despite this, E: TW will be the most accessible Total War game in the series. 这些依然按照过去所坚持的信条使得在丰富的战略上更上一层,不论如何,帝国:全军破敌将是TW系列中最值得赞赏的游戏。