- The total strain energy of laminated shell is deduced by means of Ritz method. 接着本文研 究了非对称正交层合壳的固化变形特性。
- A total strain version of strain energy partitioning (TS-SEP) is formulated based on strain energy partitioning(SEP), utilizing the method of HALFORD and SALTSMAN for developing TS-SRP. 借鉴HALFORD和SALTSMAN发展总应变-应变范围区分法(TS-SRP)的经验,基于应变能区分法(SEP)建立总应变-应变能区分法(TS-SEP)。
- total strain energy 总应变能量,总应变能
- It was analysed by a strain energy method. 这是用应变能力方法解决的。
- The proof was based on the nonnegativeness of the strain energy. 这种证明根据的是胁变能量的非负性。
- The strain energy density function equals the Helmholtz. 应变能密度函数等于亥姆霍兹函数。
- LCF life could be well expressed by plastic strain energy. 低周被劳寿命可由塑性应变能表达。
- The total strain can be calculated by summing up the increment of strain at each time. 研究中采用了广义开尔文体模型,总应变可由每个时刻应变增量的总和计算出来。
- The computing formulae of the Young's moduli of SWCNT are obtained by comparing the total molecular potential energy of a SWCNT with the strain energy of a corresponding cylindrical thin shell. 文中,首先采用分子力学理论得出了受轴向载荷作用下单壁碳纳米管的总势能;然后通过总势能与相应薄圆柱壳的应变能比较,推导出了单壁碳纳米管杨氏模量的计算公式。
- A mathematical model for stretch/shrink flanging is developed based on the total strain theory and membrane assumption. 基于全量塑性理论及膜应变假设,导出了拉伸/收缩翻边数学模型。
- The computing formulae of the shear moduli of SWCNT are obtained by comparing the total molecular potential energy of a SWCNT with the strain energy of a corresponding thin cylinder. 通过总势能与相应的薄壁圆筒的扭转变形能比较,推导出了单壁碳纳米管剪切模量的计算公式;
- The low-cycle fatigue behavior of the die cast Mg-7Al-0.5Y magnesium alloy has been investigated in case of full reversed total strain control mode. 研究了压铸态Mg-7Al-0.;5Y合金在全反向总应变模式控制下的低周疲劳行为。
- Lighting, heating, and airconditioning in the skyscrapers strain energy supplies. 大楼里的照明,暖气以及空调造成能源供应紧张。
- The fatigue cracks initiate and propagate both in a transgranular manner for all the total strain amplitudes under consideration. 碳化物可作为障碍,阻碍疲劳裂纹的扩展,且为主要的二次裂纹策源地;
- In the analysis, the total strain amplitude as well as the rules of accumulative damage are used for the research of the fatigue life. 提出了一个用于计算非对称循环载荷下材料低周疲劳寿命的累积损伤模型和方法。
- The relief of some of the internal strain energy of a previously cold-worked metal, usually by heat treatment. 冷塑性变形金属释放其部分应变能的过程叫回复,通常采用热处理的方法。
- Lighting, heating, and air-conditioning in the skyscrapers strain energy supplies. 大楼里的照明,暖气以及空调造成能源供应紧张。
- The analytic formula of the feeding zone thickness distribution in hydroforming of variational cross-section tube is derived by using the total strain theory. 摘要通过力学分析和全量本构方程,推导出了变径管内高压成形送料区壁厚增厚的解析公式。
- The constraint condition for the strain energy density function of incompressible hyperelasticity is proposed. 通过对各种有限元方法的分析比较,适当修改了已有的应变能密度函数的形式使之更适合数值计算。
- The author believes: the strain path leading to minimum strain energy isthat followed by instable deformation. 依板面内较小的那个主应变增量是正、是负,失稳变形的发展过程以两种不同的方式进行。