- For the total completion time minimization problem on two machines with decision maintenance, the worst-case analysis of SPT algorithm was given. 对于决策维护最小化总完工时间问题,分析了SPT算法的界。
- Moreover, we consider the minimal total completion time problem where there is not the idle time in machine M1, and derive the optimality conditions for this kind of flowshops scheduling problems. 本文以总完工时间为准则研究调整时间和移走时间均独立于加工时间的两机器流水作业问题,给出了问题最优解中工件排列应满足的条件;
- minimize the total completion time 极小化总完工时间
- Minimizing Total Completion Time of Jobs on a Flexible Two Machine Flow Shop 流水作业由二台柔性机器组成时的极小完工时间之和问题
- Minimizing Total Completion Time of Orders with Multiple Job Classes 订单带多类工件时的极小完工时间之和问题
- Inverse Problems of a Single Machine Scheduling to Minimize the Total Completion Time 单台机器总完工时间排序问题的反问题
- Inverse Scheduling Problem on a Single Machine Stochastic Scheduling to Minimize the Total Completion Time 单台机器总完工时间随机排序问题的反问题
- Minimal Total Completion Time in Two-machine Flowshop with Setup, Processing and Removal Time Separated 有分离调整和移走时间的两机器流水作业总完工时间问题
- total completion time 总完工时间
- The problem of n jobs to be processed on single batching machine with a capacity to minimize the total weighted completion time is discussed. 摘要批处理机总加权完成时间最小化问题的复杂性目前还没有确定,因此有必要研究该问题的启发式算法。
- When the total weighted completion time criterion is concerned, a useful property is proved and then a dynamic programming algorithm is developed to solve this problem optimally. 当目标函数是最小化加权完成时间之和时,首先证明了最优调度的一个性质,并据此提出了动态规划算法。
- The first family J1 has the total weighted completion time as its objective function, and the second family J2 has the maximum weighted completion time as its objective function. 第一个工件集J1以加权完工时间和为目标函数,第二个工件集J2以最大加权完工时间为目标函数。
- total completion times 完成时间和
- If the completion time is actually similar, the short-term advantage of building the LNG terminal at Soko is greatly diminished. 若两者的竣工时间相约,在大鸦洲兴建液化天然气接收站的短期优势随即消失。
- The problem of minimizing the total weighted completed time on single batch processing machine is studied. 摘要讨论了单机分批排序问题中目标是极小化加权总完工时间的问题。
- The problem of scheduling jobs with non-identical sizes on parallel batching machines is considered; the objective is to minimize the maximum completion time (makespan). 摘要考虑并行批加工机上不同尺寸工件的调度问题;目标是极小化最大完工时间。
- Abstract: In the fuzzy environment that the processing times and the due-dates of jobs are fuzzy parameters, the total completion earliness problem of single machine scheduling is investigated. 摘 要: 在工件的加工时间及工期均为模糊参数的情况下;研究了单机调度中的总提前完工量问题.;当工件具有共同工期及相同提前隶属水平时;给出了使得总提前完工量达到最大的最优调度;
- Within a reasonable time. A shop should not take three months to repair your TV. You can always agree upon a completion time with the supplier of the service. 在合理的时间要求之内完成服务.;比如维修铺不能够花掉3个月时间来修理你的电视机
- In the case that the jobs have a common due-date and the same membership grade of earliness, an optimal scheduling is obtained in which the total completion earliness is maximized. 当工件具有共同工期及相同提前隶属水平时,给出了使得总提前完工量达到最大的最优调度;