- The soybean was stored at various districts and condition, this results ara as follow: 1), The quality of the soybean relate to watersoluble N, germination percentage, total acidity, acid value, fat-soluble phosphatides. 大豆储藏在不同的地区和各种条件下,得到的结果为:1、大豆品质与水溶性氮、发芽率,总酸度,酸价和脂溶性磷酯相关。
- total acid value 总酸值
- total acid value (number) 总酸值
- Gastric secretion is reduced in volume and total acid content. 胃分泌的容量和总酸度降低。
- The results are as follows:1) Total acid and CL/CB value of nano-HZSM-5 can be successfully adjusted by steaming. 水蒸汽钝化改性可以有效调节纳米HZSM-5的总酸量和C_L/C_B值。
- The refrigeration was helpful in the sta-bility of acid value. 冷藏有利于保持酸价稳定性。
- The major acid producing period was in high biomass logarithmic phase.The content of total acid and acetobacter logarithm value was linear correlation. 高菌量对数增长期为主要产酸期,总酸含量与菌量的增长对数值呈线性相关;
- Methods: 172 Samples produced by 20 companies were detected by hygienic bacteriumon, Pathogenic Bacteria, acid value, Peroxide value, total arsenic and lead. 方法:抽检昆山地区20家食品生产单位172份糕点类食品样本进行卫生细菌、致病菌、酸价、过氧化值、总砷、铅等检测。
- DRC,rubber yield and total acid phosphatase activity decreased obviously in winter, whereas R-SHand Pi increased sharply with other parametrs being at d low value. 到冬季胶乳干含、产胶量及总酸性磷酸酶活性明显下降,而胶乳硫酸和无机磷含量显著上升,其它生理参数保持在较低值。
- Saponification value, acid value of waste oils and water content were tested. 对地沟油的酸值、皂化值以及水含量进行了检测。
- Effects of microwave radiation intensity and irradiating time on the acid value in vegetable oils were investigated. 摘要研究了微波辐射强度和辐射时间对植物油脂酸值的变化情况。
- Total Acidity in Aviation Turbine Fuel, Test Method for (05. 测定航空涡轮燃料总酸度的试验方法(05。
- Frying and cooking had very little effect on acid value, color, peroxide value and anisidine value. 煎炸和清炒对酸值、色泽、过氧化值、羰基值等品质指标均有一定程度的影响,但这种影响较小;
- Total Acid Number by Semi-Micro Color Indicator Titration, Method of Test for (05. 用半微量彩色指示剂滴定法测定酸度总值的试验方法(05。
- The maximum of standard deviation of its total acid radical content is 0.04mmol/g. its varying coefficient is 0.80%. 该方法重复性好;其总酸性基测定的最大标准偏差为0.;04mmol/g;变动系数为0
- Objective To determine the acid value and the saponification value in Cera Chinensis. 目的建立测定虫白蜡酸值、皂化值的方法。
- The corrosion prevention techniques during the refining of crude oil with high acid value are also introduced. 还介绍了加工高酸值原油中的防腐蚀技术。
- The results show taht bacteriostasis of total acid is prior in aqueous solution extract to other solvent. 结果显示,总酸在乌桕叶极性溶剂提取物抑菌中起主要作用。
- The equipment corrosion and corrosion resistance in processing crude oil with high acid value are reviewed. 摘要高酸值原油加工过程中设备的腐蚀问题和防腐蚀新技术受到相关部门的高度重视。
- Sucrose accounted for about 65% of the total sugar, and malate for about 50% of total acid contents i n fruits. 结果表明,桃果实中的可溶性糖和酸主要是蔗糖和苹果酸,分别占总可溶性糖的65%25左右和总酸含量的50%25。