- Tossed salad retains its original taste and flavor. 凉拌生菜,原汁原味。
- Laurie: I'll have the tossed salad. 劳丽:我要素菜切丝凉拌的沙拉。
- Consomme, tossed salad, fried chicken, apple pie, coffee or Coke. 肉汤、拌色拉、炸鸡、苹果馅饼、咖啡或可乐。
- Baked sweet potato topped with low-fat plain yoghurt and tuna with green tossed salad in sunflower oil. 烤土豆配低脂原味酸奶、金枪鱼和加用葵花籽油拌的绿色沙拉。
- I'd like the number four with turkey, please. She'll have the chef's special with consomme, tossed salad, and grilled salmon. 我要4号餐和火鸡,她要主厨特餐和清炖肉汤,沙拉和烤鲑鱼。
- Do you like tossed salad? 你喜欢凉拌生菜吗?
- consomme,tossed salad,fried chicken,apple pie,coffee or Coke 肉汤、拌色拉、炸鸡、苹果馅饼、咖啡或可乐
- The ship pitched and tossed in the rough seas. 轮船在汹涌澎湃的大海中起伏颠簸。
- The boat was tossed about in the stormy sea. 小船在风急雨骤的大海中颠簸。
- It's a bad habit for a boy to toss off. 对一个男孩来说,手淫是个坏习惯。
- He tossed the peanuts into his mouth one at a time. 他每次将一粒花生扔进嘴里。
- We lunched (out) on cold meat and salad. 我们午饭(在外面)吃的是凉肉和色拉。
- Grandmother asked me to dish out the salad. 祖母叫我把色拉从大盘里舀给各人。
- Our small boat was tossed about in the heavy sea. 我们的小船在波涛汹涌的海中颠簸。
- The decision depended on the toss of a coin. 那项决定是靠掷硬币的方法做出的。
- The other team won the toss and put us in to bat. 另一个队掷钱币猜赢,因此我们轮到击球。
- I think fruit salad will be nice. 我想水果色拉不错。
- Let's toss up a penny for the chance to go first. 我们掷一枚一便士的硬币来决定谁先去。
- I think I'll go for the fruit salad. 我想我还是要水果色拉吧。
- He tossed the book down on the table. 他把书扔在桌子上。