- tortion balancer 扭转平衡器
- Occasionally a single state plays a balancer role. 偶尔一个国家扮演均衡者的角色。
- This is a view of the finished balancer. 这是鉴于成品平衡器。
- Spring Balancer is a kind of lifting gear. 弹簧平衡器是起重工具的一种。
- This is the address that the Load Balancer will refer to itself as. 负载均衡器用该地址来指示其自身。
- Today I completed the mechanical work on the balancer. 今天,我完成了机械工作的平衡。
- Manual Static Fan Blade Balancer with Air Actuated Tooling. 手动静态风扇叶片平衡机,附带空气起动夹具。
- New in the Much More Cell Balancer adaptor line is this 2S adaptor. 新的,在多细胞平衡器适配器线这是2s的适配器。
- Therefore, the spring balancer is the necessary auxiliary tool for production. 因此,弹簧平衡器是工厂生产中不可缺少的辅助工具。
- This paper was undertaken to investigate by tests,its properties of anti-dis- tortion in high temperature,anti-embitterment in low temperature and durability. 通过车辙试验、浸水马歇尔试验、冻融劈裂试验和低温小梁弯曲试验,分别评价了不同岩沥青掺量的混合料的高温性能、水稳定性和低温性能。
- Since there is only one load balancer in LVS, it has low scalability. 系统中服务器的数目可以根据网络流量的变化进行增删,但前端只有一台负载均衡器工作,影响了系统的可扩展性。
- The recognition possibility for intra-class target dis tortion version and misrecognition possibility for inter-class target are two m ain performances of an automatic target recognition(ATR) system. 对同类目标畸变不变的正确识别率与不同类目标分类误识别率是衡量一个自动目标识别(ATR)系统的两个最重要性能指标。
- Springy balancer : It's for replacing hammer type balance. 弹簧式平衡器:该平衡器是重锤式平衡器的替代产品。
- Sihanouk might emerge in an important, perhaps decisive, role as a link between contending forces and as their balancer. 西哈努克就有可能作为两个对立势力之间的联结人和平衡者发挥重要的,也许是决定性的作用。
- The request is forwarded to the cluster host name that is mapped to the Load Balancer. 请求被转发到集群主机,该集群主机名称映射到负载均衡器。
- If the URL is behind a load balancer, you cannot predict which Client Access server the cmdlet will test. 如果URL在某个负载平衡器后面,则无法预测cmdlet将测试哪个客户端访问服务器。
- See the Load Balancer Administration Guide for requirements and installation instructions. 有关先决条件和安装指南的详细信息,请参阅。
- After the request is completed on the server, it will return through the Load Balancer to the client. 服务器完成请求后,会通过负载均衡器返回给客户端。
- Three groups discriminated by risk attitude are Risk averter, Risk balancer and Risk lover. 以风险态度区隔市场,得到风险趋避型、平衡型及爱好型三族群。
- Products wanted: Auto parts: harmonic balancer, flywheel and power brake booster. 需要货品:汽车配件,包括平衡器、飞轮/整速轮及动力刹车提高器。