- The torrent scoured a gully down the hillside. 那激流顺山坡而下冲出一条水沟。
- A torrent of water poured down the mountain. 洪水从山上奔流而下。
- torrent breccia 洪积角砾岩
- His answer was a torrent of abuses. 他的回答是连珠炮式的漫骂。
- An agglomerate is a volcanic breccia. 集块岩是一种火山性角砾石。
- He was answered with a torrent of oaths. 他得到的回答是滔滔不绝的诅咒。
- She attacked him with a torrent of abuse. 她用连珠炮似的谩骂来攻击他。
- The man rounded on him with a torrent of abusive language. 那人突然发起火来,臭骂了他一顿。
- The river was a torrent after the storm. 暴风雨过后,河水成了激流。
- Breccia and mylonite in slip band. 滑带中的角砾岩和糜梭岩。
- The torrent scoured a channel down the hillside. 急流沿着山坡冲出了一条沟。
- The torrent scoured a channel down the hillside . 急流沿着山坡冲出了一条沟。
- A torrent of salt water cascaded through the hatch. 一股瀑布般的盐水从舱口倒灌下来。
- The stream has now become a torrent. 小溪继而又变成了滔滔的洪流。
- Why did an active torrent suddenly disappear? 为什么种子突然消失了?
- They were borne down by the torrent. 他们被激流冲倒。
- After the rain, the river became a torrent. 大雨过后,河水奔流而下。
- A small ravine, especially one cut by a torrent. 冲沟,激流峡谷狭小深谷,尤指由激流冲刷而形成
- A torrent of rain come down and damaged the crops. 大雨倾盆而下,损害了农作物。
- In the extreme case the boxwork collapses, forming a breccia. 在特殊情况下,蜂窝坍塌,形成角砾石。