- torpedo drag reduction 鱼雷降阻
- The MHD control of drag reduction in pipe flow is studied through DNS. 利用直接数值模拟研究了圆管湍流减阻的电磁力控制问题。
- Fixed the Torpedo drag model. Now high speed torpedoes will hit fine. 修正了鱼雷拖曳模型,高速鱼雷将体现出应有的效果。
- Drag reduction with W/O polyacrylamide latex(PAM)in water was studied in thispaper. 研究了W/O型聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)胶乳在水中的凉阻性能。
- The new type of rheology controller has its application potential in drilling, Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) and liquid transportation drag reduction. 这种新型流变控制剂在钻井、提高采收率以及流体输送减阻中具有潜在应用价值。
- The drag reduction of the notchback car platoon is the most, that of the squareback is the next, and the fastback is the least. 阶背式轿车队列的平均减阻率最大,直背式次之,快背式最小。
- The pour point depressant(PPD)and drag reduction agent(DRA)play a key role in the oil transportation in Kelamayi Oilfield. “两剂”(降凝剂和减阻剂)在克拉玛依油田原油外输中发挥了非常重要的作用。
- Based on theoretical analysis, microbubble drag reduction is due to structure change of turbulent boundary layer caused by the microbubbles. 理论分析提出微气泡降阻机理在于其引起湍流边界层结构的变化;
- It is found in the experiment that the bigger the WCA or the more hydrophobic water is, the more remarkable the effects of drag reduction would be. 因此,利用激光刻蚀表面方法可以在一定程度上调控固体表面的疏水性进而控制减阻特性。
- The site application shows that HG type DRA has remarkable drag reduction effect and throughput increasing capacity for imported oils. 现场应用结果表明,HG减阻剂对于多种进口原油均具有较好的减阻效果和增输能力。
- The bio-inspired anti-adhesion and drag reduction technology has become a new field of the research and applications of biomimetics. 这种基于非光滑表面的仿生减阻抗粘技术已成为仿生学研究和应用的一个新领域。
- Recently, one of her research focus is on understanding the intriguing and practically important phenomenon of drag reduction by polymer additives in turbulent flows. 最近,她的其中一项研究工作是理解高分子在湍流中减阻这一有趣而有重要实用性的现象。
- The measurement technique of constant temperature anemometry was used to study experimentally the mechanism of drag reduction in turbulent boundary layer with riblet surface. 摘要应用热线测速技术,对沟槽壁面平板湍流边界层的减阻机理进行了实验研究。
- The drag reduction agent (DRA) for gas pipeline is a new technology used for reducing friction or drag on a gas flowing to increase the transmission efficiency of gas pipeline. 天然气管道输送减阻剂是一项新型管道减阻技术,国内首次开展了相关研究。
- Coinciding conclusion is obtained through these methods, and this provides strong background for further engineering application of microbubble drag reduction. 这些研究得到了较为一致的结论,为未来微气泡降阻的工程应用研究奠定基础。
- The average ratio of drag reduction of notchback car platoon is the maximum, squareback car platoon takes the second place and fastback car platoon is the minimum. 阶背式轿车队列的平均减阻率最大,直背式次之,快背式最小。
- Our torpedo boats bore down on the enemy cruiser. 我方面鱼雷艇向敌巡洋舰冲去。
- Four cases whether with supercavitation and whether with thrust were compared.The results indicate that supercavitation has better performance of drag reduction. 比较了航行体周围是否产生空泡与航行体是否有推力4种情况,计算结果表明超空泡具有非常好的水下减阻能力。
- The test of tailing transport has shown that vibrating drag reduction is practical and feasible, and slurry density and transportation velocity are its two key factors. 尾砂试验表明振动减阻是切实可行的,而浆体的浓度和输送速度是两个关键性因素。
- The torpedo homed in on its target. 鱼雷射向目标。