- toroidalintake guide vanes 超环面进口导向叶片
- Consider a row of guide vanes in a compressible internal flow as shown below. 如下图所示,考虑可压缩内部流中的一排导流叶片。
- A cast guide vanes and a forge facing plates are made of 17-4PH steel for the Yuzixi 2nd stage power station. 17-4PH钢是水轮机抗磨蚀的理想材料;用此材料已为渔子溪二级电站制成了铸造导叶及锻造抗磨板.
- A model francis turbine with two new types of guide vanes is simulated using DES model. 应用脱离涡模型(DES),对两种采用了新型三维导叶的混流式模型水轮机进行了模拟。
- Abstract: The exit flow fields of a turbine cascade with or without the front guide vanes were investigated. 文摘:详细测量了平行进口端壁附面层与设前导叶两种进口条件下某涡轮叶栅的出口流场。
- A small type of supersonic axial flow double rotors CRT without the guide vanes of LPT is considered. 对转涡轮主要气 动特征为:一方面由于没有导叶排,从而没有任何来源于导叶的叶型 损失和二次流损失,使涡轮级效率提高;
- The performance of the centrifugal compressor at different diffuser stagger angles and different inlet guide vane (IGV) prewhirl angles are measured. 摘要对扩压器进口不同安装角和进口导叶不同预旋角匹配下离心压缩机的性能进行了实验研究。
- The hydrodynamic characteristics of axial waterjet pump with guide vane is calculated by using numeical method. 摘要用数值方法计算了加导叶轴流泵的水动力特性。
- In this paper,we studied the Karman vortices after stay vane and guide vane for hydraulic turbines. 本文对水轮机固定导叶和活动导叶后卡门涡进行了系统的研究。
- Relationship between discharge and head, power, efficiency of axial waterjet pump with guide vane is analyzed. 分析了不同流量下加导叶轴流泵器的流量和扬程、功率和效率的关系;
- Research is conducted on the energy loss of flow around a cascade of guide vanes in a low speed wind tunnel numerically and experimentally. 低速回流式风洞中拐角部位的流动损失占总损失的比重很大,该位置导流片绕流的流动状况对于流动损失有明显的影响。
- Abstract: Rectifies of various guide vane angles which is used in vortex tube had been designed and fabricated. 摘要: 设计加工了不同叶片角度的导流叶片形涡流管整流器。搭建了涡流管性能研究实验台。
- The flow inside a certain centrifugal compressor stage,equipped with adjustable guide vanes,has been investigated by numerical simulation. 以数值模拟的方式对某带可调进口导叶的离心压缩机级内部流动进行了分析研究。
- At the same time the inlet and outlet of the impeller and the guide vanes were measured by using five-hole pellet flow dynamic probe. 采用五孔圆球流体动力探针对叶轮及导叶进出口流场进行了测量,给出速度和压力分布图。
- Far measuring-stations were set respectively on three concentric circles, i.e, the stay vans inlet cirele, the guide vane inlet and outlet circle. 在固定导叶进口、活动导叶进口及出口三个圆周上分别布置了4个测站,各测站均用五孔毕托球测量。
- Guide Vane two section close valveis normally installed in vane control circuit to prevent axialflow turbine from raising during shut-down period. 为防止轴流式水轮机在停机过程中产生抬机现象,多在导叶操作回路上安装导叶两段关闭阀。
- The high pressure and low pressure rotors can rotate either in the same or opposite directions.Research about aerodynamics of turbine with or without guide vanes are conducted. 它可以允许轴流式涡轮高低压转子对转或同向旋转,对有或无导叶涡轮进行气动方面的研究工作。
- The matching between the guide vanes outlet angle and the runner inlet angle, the relationship between the outflow angle of the guide vane and the inflow angle of the runne. 计算了3种不同比转速水轮机对应导叶高度下的导叶和转轮的耦合流动,分析了活动导叶出流角与转轮进水角的匹配关系,活动导叶出流角和转轮进水角与活动导叶几何出水角的关系。
- Numerical simulations on the unsteady inlet guide vane (IGV)-impeller interaction were performed under different prewhirl angles. 摘要对不同预旋角度下进口导叶/叶轮的相干进行了非定常的数值模拟,讨论了动静相干效应的上要因素。
- The upstream and downstream flowfields of a straight blade inlet guide vane (IGV) for a centrifugal fan were measured with a five-hole probe. 摘要为了改进风机调节门的性能和作用,采用五孔探针对平板直叶片调节门前后的流动进行了详细的测量,得到了流动参数沿流动方向的衰减变化规律。