- A little lantern blinked in the darkness. 一盏小灯笼在黑暗中微微闪光。
- tornado lantern hurricane lamp
- The tornado cut a swath through the town. 龙卷风袭击该镇,留下一长条破坏的痕迹。
- She left the lantern pendent from the ceiling. 她让灯笼从屋顶上吊著。
- The entire village was obliterated by the tornado. 整个村庄被龙卷风摧毁了。
- The lantern light suddenly fell on a curious object. 手提灯的光忽然照在一个奇怪的东西上。
- A tornado levelled the entire business district. 龙卷风使整个商业区成为平地。
- Get within the basement, the tornado is coming. 进地下室,龙卷风要来了。
- There was a lantern hanging over the door. 门前吊着一盏灯。
- The tornado rubbished the whole village. 龙卷风毁掉了整个村庄。
- Keep a lookout for the red lantern signal. 随时注意红灯信号。
- I love our Chinese Lantern Festival. 我喜欢我们中国的元宵节。
- A tornado leveled the entire business district. 龙卷风使整个商业区成为平地。
- A tornado whirled into the town last week. 龙卷风上周袭击了这座城市。
- The lantern hanging at her waggon had gone out. 她车上挂的那个灯笼已经灭了。
- There is a red lantern on the door. 门上挂着一盏红灯笼。
- It was the beginning of a tornado. 这是龙卷风的雏形。
- The tornado laid the houses flat. 旋风夷平了那些房子。
- The lantern hanging overhead swung in the wind. 吊在高处的灯在风中摇动。
- The tornado uprooted some trees. 龙卷风将一些树连根拔起。