- torn tape relay traffic 撕断纸条带转报
- torn tape relay 撕断纸条式电报接转
- If you want to relay traffic for others to help the network grow (please do), read the Configuring a relay guide. 如果你想要贡献流量帮助网络增长(请这么做),请阅读配置中继指导。
- European confectionery manufacturer, Look-O-Look, is using a gold tear tape from Payne to provide easy opening for a new flip-top box packaging format launched in France. 欧洲糖果制造商,寻找氧看,是用黄金撕裂磁带从佩恩提供方便的开放一个新的倒装机顶盒包装形式在法国推出。
- Old newspaper of male people tear tape, scatter on earthy smoke leaf, roll into thick the horn that grows again, ejective smoke flavour person of really hot, true choke. 晚上,老乡们来看搞“社会调查”的大学生。男人们撕条旧报纸,撒上土烟叶子,卷成又粗又长的喇叭,喷出烟味儿真辣、真呛人。
- European confectionery manufacturer Look-O-Look is using a gold tear tape from Payne to provide easy opening for a new flip-top box packaging format launched in France. 欧洲糖果制造商查找O型看看是否使用了催泪磁带黄金从佩恩提供方便开放一个新的翻盖机顶盒包装形式在法国推出。
- Look-O-Look approached Daka, Payne's distributor in the Netherlands, who suggested that the use of a gold tear tape would meet both of these requirements. 查找O型看看走近达卡,佩恩的分销商在荷兰,谁建议,使用催泪黄金磁带将满足这两个要求。
- Originally two AAL types, AAL types 3 and 4, were combined in support of both connection-oriented and connectionless traffic.Examples include X.25 packet and Frame Relay traffic. 最初的两种AAL类型,AAL类型3和类型4组合在一起支持面向连接和无连接传输业务,例如,X.;25信息包和帧延时传输。
- Tear Tape of Payne. 催泪磁带的佩恩。
- semiautomatic continous tape relay switc 连续纸带半自动转报
- paper tape relay logic equipment 纸带继电器逻辑电路设备
- The front cover of the novel has been torn off. 这本小说的封面已被撕掉。
- I didn't remember and didn't find Jeff Dwire's tape relaying his friendly conversation with Holmes in March 1970, after I was out of the ROTC program and back in the draft. 我不记得也没有找到杰夫.;德怀尔录下的那盘磁带,上面录有1970年3月他与霍尔姆斯上校之间的友好对话,那时我已经脱离了完后备役军官训练计划,回到征兵名单上了。
- Protecting against brand piracy, these rainbow / laser tear tapes(teartape,tearstrip) are used for openingcigarette, biscuit, chewing gum, medicine, garments, CD, etc. packaging. 该产品用来保护非法翻印盗版。这些彩虹色或激光拉线多用于香烟,饼干,口香糖,医药,服装,CD碟片等的包装口上。
- The rush hour traffic is murder. 交通高峰时间真是难以忍受之事
- All the seat-covers on the train had been torn by vandals. 列车上所有的椅套都被蓄意破坏者撕破了。
- We needed someone to fix the tape recorder. 我们需要有人来修理录音机。
- torn tape telegraph relay 撕断纸条带式电报接转
- The black sedan suddenly drew out into the traffic. 黑色轿车突然开动,驶进了车流。
- The new road will soon be opened to traffic. 这条新马路不久就可通车。