- torestry ecology construction 林业生态建设
- When rainwater resourcfulization offered the water resource to ecology construction and drinking. 雨水资源化是解决或减缓水土流失和干旱缺水的有效途径。
- Informational asymmetric was obstructer interfering with making sure the direction of the program of the regional ecology construction. 摘要信息不对称已成为区域生态建设规划中明确规划方向的障碍。
- Programming of Rural Landscape and Ecological Construction. 农村景观规划与生态建设。
- Ecological construction was the fundament of economic development. 生态建设是经济发展的根本和切入点。
- Land degradation and landscape ecological construction in Liaoning Province. 辽宁省土地退化与景观生态建设。
- Ecological construction and environmental protection to build a green province. 实行生态建设和环境保护,推动绿色广东建设。
- The Landscape Ecological Construction in Continental River Basin in Arid Zone. 干旱区内陆河流域景观生态建设。
- Strategies for Development and Ecological Construction of River Basin. 流域开发生态建设发展战略
- The ecological construction and benefit evaluation of Yanji City were sketched. 简述了延吉市生态建设的概况及效益评价.
- Centering it,Libo County is unfolding ecological construction demonstration. 目前,荔波正在以它为核心开展生态示范区的建设。
- program of the regional ecology construction 生态建设规划
- Concern about ecology is a recent development. 对生态的关心是最近才有的事。
- Ecological construction and environmental protection is quite essen t ial in the development of West China. 生态建设和环境保护是西部大开发的根本。
- And 57 construction projects are being monitored for acceptance (15 of them are ecological construction projects). 正在开展验收监测的建设项目共57个(其中生态类建设项目15个)。
- Human ecology is a branch of social science. 人文生态学是社会科学的一个分支。
- Additionally some work on renewable energy, ecological construction and the control of zoonosis are covered. 从事关系我国沼气建设、生态环境保护和可持续发展的以社会公益性为主的科学研究和技术服务。
- As point of contacting great development in western region, ecological construction has aroused people's great concern. 生态建设作为西部大开发的切入点已经引起了人们的极大关注。
- Li Q iang,C i Longjun.Landscape heterogenity and ecological construction for the Shenm u-Fugu-D ongsheng m ining area. [李强;慈龙骏.;神府东胜矿区景观生态异质性分析与景观生态建设
- A new upsurge in construction is in the making. 一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。