- I saw the small girl topple over and hit her head. 我看见那小女孩栽了一跤,碰着了头。
- The house threatened to topple over. 房子有倒塌的危险。
- So, why don't they topple over at the first tremor? 那么,为什么它们在首次抖动时不倒塌?
- The earthquake caused many older buildings to topple over. 地震震塌了许多时代较久的建筑。
- The pile of books toppled over onto the floor. 那一摞书倒在地上了。
- The pile of bricks toppled over. 那砖堆倒塌了。
- In stead of submission, women can choose to challenge and topple over the superiority of men in the patriarchy society. 摘要由男性铸造的传统社会将女性视为低下的:她只能通过挑战和改变男性高等地位的途径来改变自己低下的地位,赢得真正的女性身份。
- The chimney toppled over on the roof. 烟囱倾倒在屋顶上。
- Interfaces that don’t employ symmetry tend to look unbalanced, as if they are going to topple over to one side. 如果不对称,界面会显得失衡,好像摇摇欲坠倒向一边。
- All of the principle that I learnt from school on Sunday have be topple over by the thins. 这件事把我从周日学校学到的所有道理都颠覆了。
- The car had toppled over the cliff. 汽车从山崖上跌落下去了。
- The whole stack of goods toppled over. 整堆货品倒下来。
- Toppling over, he leered into the teapot. 慢慢倒下,他朝茶壶撇了一眼。
- He taught thousands how to be strong, but "Athletic Heart" killed him at 55.Passersby saw him running for a car, then suddenly topple over dead. 他教导着数千人如何变得更强壮,但是那颗“运动型的心脏”却在他55岁的时候杀死了他,路人见到他那时正在追赶一辆汽车,突然就一头栽在地上。)
- The 4-wheel drive flies over the rims of the dunes at such precarious angles that for a moment you feel the jeep will topple over. 4轮驱动苍蝇在轮缘的沙丘在这种不稳定的角度,对于一个时刻你觉得吉普车将倒下。
- As the earth shook,great buildings toppled over into the street. 地震时,高大的建筑物纷纷倾倒在街道上。
- The flagpole toppled over and a crane had to be used to erect it. 旗杆倒下了,必须用起重机将它扶直。
- The flagpole toppled over, and a crane bad to be used to erect it. 旗杆倒了,得用吊车把它竖起来。
- The boat toppled over, throwing the passengers into the water. 船翻了,把乘客都甩到了水里。
- As the earth shook, great buildings toppled over into the street. 地震时,高大的建筑物纷纷倾倒在街道上。