- topological semigroup 拓扑半群
- By using the semigroup of bounded linear operator,a new locally convex vector topological is introduced,and some propositions of it are given. 利用有界线性算子半群;引入了一新的局部凸向量拓扑;并对其基本性质进行了讨论.
- Principles of Topological Psychology II. 拓扑心理学原理2。
- Topological Methods in Algebraic Geometry 3rd ed. 代数几何中的拓扑方法第3版。
- The latter two published a monograph on semigroup theory in 1961. 后面二人在 1961 年出版了半群理论的专论。
- A construction theorem for such semigroup is obtained. 给出该类半群的一个构造定理.
- There is a simple way of associating a topological space with a graph. 有一种把一个拓扑空间同一个图联系起来的简单的方式。
- It follows that every nonempty periodic semigroup has at least one idempotent. 得出了所有非空周期半群都有至少一个幂等元。
- A semigroup generated by a single element is said to be monogenic (or cyclic ). 被一个单一元素生成的半群叫做 单基因 的(或 循环 的)。
- The minimal ideal of a commutative semigroup, when it exists, is a group. 交换半群的极小理想如果存在的话是个群。
- A semigroup is said to be periodic if all of its elements are of finite order. 半群被称为 周期性 的,如果所有它的元素有着有限次序。
- The topological structures of the CNN and the inner parameters are presented. 提出CNN的拓扑结构和内部参数。
- Topological equivalence of homogeneous differential systems on plane. 平面齐次系统的拓扑等价问题
- Lewin,K. (1936), Principles of Topological Psychology, New York: McGraw-Hill.. 黄富顺(1992);成人的学习动机;高雄:复文书局.
- In this thesis,we discuss the topological entropy for noncompact sets. 在本文中,我们讨论了非紧集上的拓扑熵,通过研究,我们得到了一些结果,主要内容如下: 在第二章中,我们主要对映射考虑它的非紧集合上的拓扑熵。
- For example, every nonempty finite semigroup is periodic, and has a minimal ideal and at least one idempotent. 例如,所有非空有限半群是周期性的,并有一个极小理想和至少一个幂等元。
- Then,two important structural theorem are obtained by the special structure of Clifford semigroup. 其次,根据C lifford半群是群强半格的特殊结构,得到了C lifford半群的幂半群的两个重要的结构定理。
- The Topological masking tool will help us a lot to shape and add volume to the breasts of the model. 拓扑蒙板工具有助于我们给模型的胸部塑型及增加体积。
- If S is a semigroup, then the intersection of any collection of subsemigroups of S is also a subsemigroup of S. 如果 S 是半群,则任何 S 的子半群的搜集的交集也是 S 的子半群。
- A semigroup S is called 2-semiband, if every element of S is a product of two idempotents of S. 摘要称半群S为2-半带,若其中每个元素都可以写为S中两个幂等元的积。