- topological interrogation 拓扑询问
- The suspect was marched to the police station for interrogation. 嫌疑犯被押赴警察局听候讯问。
- He seemed shaken after the interrogation. 审讯后他似乎惊惶不已。
- There was an eddy of surprise and interrogation. 人群里激起了惊奇和诘问的喊声。
- A rigorous, harsh interrogation. 严厉的,粗暴的质问
- She was submitted to interrogation. 她受到传讯。
- Principles of Topological Psychology II. 拓扑心理学原理2。
- Topological Methods in Algebraic Geometry 3rd ed. 代数几何中的拓扑方法第3版。
- He confessed after four days under interrogation. 他在受讯问四天之后招认了。
- He persisted with his interrogation. 他一直在坚持问此事。
- She was submitted to interrogation . 她受到了传讯。
- Interrogation skills were invented by psychopaths. 侦讯技巧是由变态发明的。
- Repeated interrogation shall be avoided. 但应避免重复询问。
- He confessed to the crime during his interrogation. 在讯问中他供认了犯罪。
- Then they were taken to the interrogation center. 然后他们被带到审问中心。
- He read a transcript of the interrogation. 他宣读了一份审讯笔录。
- Ministre Fils Haine, Interrogation Temps Eteindre! 臣子恨,何时灭!
- Interrogation points denote uncertainty. 问号表示无法确定。
- The 15 were taken to Tehran for interrogation. 被捕的15名英国海员将被押往德黑兰接受审问。
- A each one question mark, each one interrogation. 一个个的问号,一个个的质问。