- topological groupoid 拓扑广群
- Principles of Topological Psychology II. 拓扑心理学原理2。
- Topological Methods in Algebraic Geometry 3rd ed. 代数几何中的拓扑方法第3版。
- The proof of the second part makes use of some idea of groupoid. 第二部分的证明用到了群胚的基本思想。
- There is a simple way of associating a topological space with a graph. 有一种把一个拓扑空间同一个图联系起来的简单的方式。
- The topological structures of the CNN and the inner parameters are presented. 提出CNN的拓扑结构和内部参数。
- Topological equivalence of homogeneous differential systems on plane. 平面齐次系统的拓扑等价问题
- Lewin,K. (1936), Principles of Topological Psychology, New York: McGraw-Hill.. 黄富顺(1992);成人的学习动机;高雄:复文书局.
- In this thesis,we discuss the topological entropy for noncompact sets. 在本文中,我们讨论了非紧集上的拓扑熵,通过研究,我们得到了一些结果,主要内容如下: 在第二章中,我们主要对映射考虑它的非紧集合上的拓扑熵。
- Through these studies, the study of rough set's algebraic properties are spreaded to right involution groupoid. 这些结果将粗糙集代数性质的研究扩展到右对合广群这个代数系统中。
- The Topological masking tool will help us a lot to shape and add volume to the breasts of the model. 拓扑蒙板工具有助于我们给模型的胸部塑型及增加体积。
- Defines the bound operation differ from the thesis [5] and applies the method to build up the topological space. 本文定义了不同于文[5]的边界运算,并应用这种方法建立了拓扑空间。
- In this paper, the topological index mG of average attracting energy of valence electron was proposed. 构建了价电子平均吸引能拓扑指数mG。
- With consideration of the relation between two distinct topological structures, a simple self-consistent way is used to improve this expression. 并且从二元无规混合物的两种拓扑结构出发,用自洽的方法改进了该二元无规混合物的有效介电常数计算公式。
- Qin ZL.The topological index of effect principle quantum number and its applications.Computers and Applied Chemistr,2003,20(6):802. 秦正龙.;有效主量子数拓扑指数及其应用
- This result serves as another confirmation that topological quantum computers can perform any quantum computation. 这项结果也可以用来证实拓扑量子电脑能够执行任何量子计算。
- The power-train mount bracket has been researched by topological optimization method. 摘要采用结构拓扑优化方法,对动力总成悬置支架进行了优化。
- A new topological index F1 was defined in this paper. The F1 of ABn molecules were calculated. 本文定义了一个新的拓扑指数F_1;并用F_1研究了AB_n型分子的标准生成焓、晶格焓、反应截面等性质.
- Finally an extension of Alexander SubbasesTheorem is given in L-bifuzzy topological spaces. 给出了Alexander子基定理在L-双fuzzy拓扑空间中的推广。
- At the same time,the topological diagram in the main system also can be copied as Visio file within the ratio of 1:1. 同时,也可将主系统中的拓扑图按照1:1的比例,复制至V isio文件。