- Abnormal Topologic Properties of 38-atom Lennard-Jones Molecule Lennard-Jones分子基态结构的反常拓扑性质
- In this paper, some relations between stochastic and topological properties of dynamical systems are studied. 摘要本文讨论了动力系统的统计性质和动力性质的某些关系。
- The crossed cube is a variant of the hypercube, and it has better recursive structure, graph parameters and topological properties. 摘要交叉立方体是超立方体的一个变种,具有良好的图参数、拓扑性质和结构递归性。
- Cubelike recursive networks are novel sorts of interconnection networks that have some attractive topological properties and good parameters. 立方形递归网络是一类具有良好拓扑性质的互连网络模型。
- Bilke, S., and C. Peterson. "Topological properties of citation and metabolic networks." Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 64, no. 3 Pt 2 (2001): 036106. 引证和新陈代谢网络的拓扑属性〉。《物理评论E:统计、非线性、软物质物理学》,64卷,第3期(2001年,第2部分):036106页起。
- In this paper,the characterizations and the topological properties of the nearly nice compactness in L-fuzzy topological spaces are systematically studied. 本文系统地研究了L-fuzzy拓扑空间中近似良紧性的特征及其拓补性质。
- The degree distribution formula also indicates that the kinetic and the topological properties of this network commonly affect the degree distribution evolution. 所以度分布的公式也表明该网络的动力学性质与其拓扑性质共同影响度分布的演化。
- The geometries of reactants, intermediates, transition states, and products are optimized, and the topological properties of electron density of the chemical bonds are analysed. 优化得到了反应途径中各驻点的几何构型,并采用内禀反应坐标法进行追踪。从量子拓扑学的角度,讨论了在反应过程中各化学键的变化。
- Research on Topologic Properties of Chengdu Public Traffic Complex Network 成都市公交复杂网络拓扑特性研究
- Keywords Molecular topologic properties;Inert gas molecule;Genetic algorithm; 分子拓扑性质;惰性气体分子;遗传算法;
- The company's properties have been revalued. 这个公司的财产已重新估价了。
- At last, we study the finite topological property of the category L-FG, andgive out the concrete constructions of finite product and finite coproduct. 最后,研究了L-图范畴L-FG的有限拓扑性质,给出了L-图范畴L-FG的有限积和有限余积的具体构造。
- A fence divides the two properties. 有一道栅栏隔著这两处房地产。
- He thinks it's a sin to covet other's properties. 他认为贪图他人的财物是有罪的。
- In general topology, it is veryimportant whether a topological property has productive property, and the finite preductive property is at time even very valuable. 拓扑性质是否具有可积性,这一直是拓扑学中极为重要的问题,有时甚至有限可积也是极为宝贵的。
- According to the topological property of hypercube and the hallmark of the problem to be solved,a fast algorithm to solve large quasi-block triangular equationsis presented. 为快速求解大型拟块三对角方程组,根据超立方多处理机系统的结构特点、通讯特征,结合求解问题本身的特点,给出了一种快速算法,并分析了该算法的运行时间复杂性。
- He has several properties in this street. 他在这条街上有几笔地产。
- He is studying the properties of these particles. 他在研究这些粒子的性质。
- Many plants have medicinal properties. 许多植物具有医药性能。
- Relating to both physical and chemical properties. 物理和化学的与物理和化学特性均有关的