the configuration of a surface and the relations among its man-made and natural features
precise detailed study of the surface features of a region
用作名词 (n.)
Topography seems easy to explain when beholding jagged summits such as Colorado's Rocky Mountains or California's Sierra Nevada range. 只要看看美国科罗拉多州洛矶山脉或是加州内华达山脉这些高低起伏的山峰,要解释地形学似乎不是件难事。
Because of the complex topography, the road has to twists through the mountain. 由于地势复杂,道路只能回绕在山间。
They have survived the destructive influences of man through their location in precipitous topography and the moist winter micro-climate. 由于峡谷地势峻峭,加上冬季仍保持潮湿,故林木得以保存,未受人为破坏。