- On a camp table she unrolled a topographical map of the Gran Caldera and surrounding area. 她在营地桌子上打开大火山的地图,“看到这片海域了吗?
- Taiyuan, Shanxi province, a region located in the county seat Fenhe upstream, the river from west to east, as detailed topographical map. 山西太原地区某县城位于汾河上游,该河走向自西向东,详见地形图。
- The test result shows that the precision of height fitting using this method can reach fourth-grade leveling precision and satisfies the need of large scale topographical mapping. 实例计算结果表明,其高程转换精度达到四等结合水准精度,能够满足大比例尺测图的要求。
- He humour irritable and acts furtive, stroke and died soon strangely, leaving behind a pirate Kidd buried treasure topographical map. 他脾气暴躁,行为诡秘,不久便奇怪地中风而死,身后留下一张海盗基德埋藏财宝的地形图。
- Basic mapping is topographic mapping made from new surveys. 基本地图就是地形图,它是根据新的实测成果制作的。
- Almost all designs in city planning are made on topographic map. 摘要城市规划中的各项规划设计总图,几乎全部是在地形图上编制的。
- Topographical maps not only show planimetric position but also indicate relief by some method. 地形图不仅表示出平面位置,而且还通过某种方法显示地貌。
- Certainty and uncertainty of topographical map 地形图的确定性与不确定性
- topographical map of mining area 井田区域地形图
- national basic scale topographical map 国家基本比例尺地形图
- A system of aerial photography in which one vertical and two oblique photographs are simultaneously taken for use in topographic mapping. 三镜头航空测绘系统一种航空测绘系统,用于地形绘图中,可同时拍摄一张竖直的和两张倾斜的照片
- Contour A Contour chart provides a 2-D view of the Surface chart from above, similar to a 2-D topographic map. 曲面图(俯视)曲面图(俯视)是俯视曲面图得到的类似于二维地质地图的二维视图。
- As in a topographic map, colors and patterns indicate areas that are in the same range of values. 就像在地形图中一样,颜色和图案表示具有相同取值范围的区域。
- It is one of five large canvases made by Tjapaltjarri between 1976 and 1979 in which he combined ceremonial ground paintings and topographical maps to depict his ancestral land in the Western Desert. 这是贾帕加利一九七六年至一九七九年间创作的五幅大型油画之一,画中融合仪式地画与地志图,描述他西澳沙漠的祖先故土。
- The analysts drew the results as vectors on a big topographic map for firefighters to see. 这些分析师在大张的地形图上以向量绘制出结果,方便消防人员理解。
- The conclusion provides reference for topographic map digitizing and forming high-accuracy DTM, and also for digital mapping. 这些注意事项可以供工程部门在既有地图数字化和建立高精度的数字地面模型时参考,也可为野外数字化测图提供借鉴。
- In topographic map view, users can scroll vertically, horizontally and now also along the route as they wish. 在地形图认为,用户可以滚动垂直,水平,现在还沿途,他们希望.
- The Generative Topographic Mapping (GTM) model is described and applied to condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of a gearbox in this paper. 摘要介绍了一种新的无监督聚类算法GTM,研究了该算法在齿轮箱状态监测中的应用。
- General Surveying: To study the Earth's surface, measure and control the local area topographic mapping of the theory and methods. 普通测量学:研究地球表面局部区域内控制测量和地形图测绘的理论和方法。
- There is a map of the world on the wall. 墙上有张世界地图。