- I put her in the top rank of modern novelists. 我把她看做是当代第一流的小说家。
- I put her in the top rank of modern novelist. 我把她看做是当代第一流的小说家。
- A top ranking general defected to the enemy. 一位最高级别的将军投敌了。
- I'd put her in the top rank of modern novelists. 我认为她应属于一流的当代小说家。
- He is a painter of the top rank. 他是一流的画家。
- Top Rank's Bob Arum promotes Lopez, however. 然而,洛佩兹拥有阿鲁姆这样的推广人。
- The Project Content: The construction of the top ranking recuperate environment. 项目内容:建设一流的疗养环境。
- We will battle against the top ranked team. 我们将和排名第一的队伍交锋。
- He didn't just toss together a page, simply for the sake of getting a top ranking. 他不只是一起丢了一页,只是为了获得顶级。
- Another thing you may have noticed is that top ranking websites have lots of content. 另一件事是,你可以看到不少顶级网站内容。
- The Project Content : The construction of the top ranking recuperate environment. 项目内容:建设一流的疗养环境。
- HSBC's top ranking in underwriting euromarket bonds this year, for example, is unfamiliar territory. 举例来说,汇丰今年在欧元市场债券承销榜上名列前茅,这就是一个陌生的领域。
- There should dofus kamas be a bulletin board in every major city showing top ranking guilds as far as raids go. 在政府的计划之中,单车显然是接驳对外交通的工具多于把单车视作区内居民的娱乐、运动或是区内的代步工具。
- Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor, Top Ranking Chef,Senior experimental Chef, Coacher of Trainee Chefs. 中医师,特一级厨师,高级实验师,实习指导老师。
- In the entire supercomputing market, Big Blue is getting bigger and nearing HP's top rank. 在整个超级电脑领域,蓝色巨人正变的越来越强大,几欲超越HP的领导地位。
- While supplying qualified products to our customers, We will further provide professional services for top ranking large factories all over the world. 在向客户供应优质产品的同时,我们将进一步为世界各地一级大厂提供专业的技术与服务。
- If your Search Engine Optimizer sold you magic "Top rank on Google in 10 days flat". 如果您的搜索引擎优化出售你魔术“顶端的排名在Google在10天内的单位”。
- The best way and the most sure fire way to get >to>be O.T(r) . then is to be a top rank auditor. 最好也是最炽热的通向OT(操纵灵魂)之路是成为顶尖级听析员。
- Ranking: Till now I still don't know how high a rank the heroes can reach. I prefer to see some of my heroes reach the top rank. 我至今不知道这些英雄们最高可以升几级。我比较喜欢我的一些英雄升到最高级。
- Trampler has been largely responsible for two of Top Rank's primary promotional successes, Oscar De La Hoya and Floyd Mayweather Jr. 对于顶衔推广旗下的首要成功案例----霍亚和梅威瑟,特拉普勒功不可没。