- A desk with a top section for books. 有抽屉或分类格的写字台
- Thereof the strength of top section can meet the requirement. 故顶部断面的强度是满足要求的。
- The datagrid will be moved and resized to fill the top section of Form1. 将会对数据网格进行移动并调整其大小以填充Form1的顶部。
- We want to lift the top section and the nacelle of no.X is there any problems? 我们想要吊X号的上段和机舱有什么问题吗?
- Separator line between the tabs control top section and the tabs data bottom section. 分离器直线行在中间於这标签控制顶端部份和这标签资料底部部份。
- The top section contains the title, and a toolbar which has several menus, commands, and a drop-down list. 顶部包含标题以及一个具有多个菜单、命令和下拉列表的工具栏。
- The right photo shows the top section with the aperture of perhaps half the diameter which forms the vortex. 正确的照片显示,前一段与光圈也许有一半的直径形成了漩涡之中。
- Exogenous 6- benzylaminopurine (BAP) inhibited the rooting of cotyledon top section and restrained the rooting-related changes on IAA and proteins. 反之当培养基中附加BAP抑制子叶生根,也抑制了与生根相关的IAA变化和蛋白质表达。
- The top section portrays the sun, moon, stars, a big tree of a mythic island, celestial beings, heavenly gate guards, etc. 舞俑面部丰腻,涂脂抹粉,身体稍微向前倾斜,两膝略微弯曲,身着短褂长裙,体态轻盈,好像伴随着歌声翩翩起舞。
- Then, while everyone watched Bank Robber A, Bank Teller B calmly lifted off the top section of the cashbox and slipped bills from the bottom section into his pockets. 就在人们都注视着银行抢劫犯A时,银行出纳员B却悄悄地提起现金柜上层的格子,把柜子下层的钞票偷偷地塞入了他自己的口袋中。
- On 1/4 DKW basal medium supplemented no plant growth regulators, the rooting ratio of the top section was 100%, while the middle and basal had no rhizogenesis. 以核桃成熟或近成熟种实子叶为试材,在1/4DKW基本培养基上培养,近胚端的生根率达100%25,而中部和远胚端的生根率为0。
- Then, while everyone watched Bank Robber A,Bank Teller B calmly lifted off the top section of the cashbox and slipped bills from the bottom section into his pockets. 两点钟的时候,强盗甲走进了银行。乔治知道他是抢银行的强盗,原因之一是他进来时鬼鬼祟祟,二是他戴着面具。
- The right hand is used to keep the under layer steady and flat at the first notch while the left hand with the fingers on top of the fabric and the thumb underneath, places the top section in position. 用右手稳定下层衣片并使之平顺的对准第一个刀眼,同时左手的手指放在上层衣片的上面,大拇指放在上层放片的上面,大拇指放在上层衣片的下面,使上层位置对准。
- The top section, thirteen stories deep, is dramatically cantilevered out over open space, five hundred and thirty feet in the air, and it seems to reach over you like a benign robot. 当你走近它时,会看到每个水平部分由两个互为直角的单元组成。
- I didn't managed to get to Zermatt's highest point because the top section wasn't open during my last visit last year.Even the link with Italian Cervinia was closed for 50% of the time I was there. 我也有点想带人去伊朗滑雪,那里的场地和欧洲很像 - 随你到处滑,不过缆车旧了点,大部份的缆车都是巴勒维王朝时建造,不知道这几年有没有更新(最后一次去约5年前)。
- A hinged or removable section for a table top. 活动桌面桌子上部有铰链连接或可移动的部分
- A man of great ability like him will eventually reach the top. 像他这样才能出众的人终究会升到最上层的。
- She eyed me from top to top with coldness. 她冷淡地把我从头打量到脚。
- Can you reach the book on the top of the cupboard? 你能够到柜顶的那本书吗?
- Your room opens off the top landing. 你的房门朝向顶层楼梯平台。