- Interest rates topped out at16 percent. 利息率最高在百分之十六封顶
- Top out To put the framework for the top story on (a building). 封顶:为(楼房的)最上面一层筑好框架封顶:停止上升
- You can thin the top out a little, but just a little. 上面打薄一点,只一点就可以了。
- Give the Model S a longer track and it will top out at 120 mph. 给予型号S长的赛道,它会顶端了120英里。
- Our exports have topped out last year--$80,000, 000. 去年我们的出口贸易达到顶点——8000万美元。
- When we top out,there will be beer for everyone who has worked on the site. 举行封顶仪式时,将以啤酒招待所有在工地上工作过的人。
- When we top out, there will be beer for everyone who has worked on the site. 举行封顶仪式时,将以啤酒招待所有在工地上工作过的人。
- Interest rates topped out at 16 percent. 利息率最高在百分之十六封顶
- Prices may have topped out at their highest level. 物价有可能已达到了最高水平。
- The production figures this month have topped out. 这个月的生产数字已达最高点。
- When we top out,there will be souvenirs for everyone who has worked on the site. 到我们举行落成典礼时,凡是在工地上劳动过的人都会得到纪念品的。
- People cheered when the 57,000-ton steel skeleton was topped out in 33 weeks-12 days ahead of schedule. 当这座建筑物的57,000吨重的钢骨在33周内——比原计划提前12天——完成时,人们欢欣鼓舞。
- For example,the AltaVista index has recently been increased to top out at 350 million pages. 例如,AltaVista的索引最近已增至3.;5亿页而名列前茅。
- When we top out, there will be souvenirs for everyone who has worked on the site. 当我们举行落成典礼时, 凡是在工地上劳动过的人都会得到纪念品。
- The origins of the topping out ceremony go back to pagan times. 建筑物落成典礼仪式的起源可以追溯到异教徒时代。
- For example, the AltaVista index has recently been increased to top out at 350 million pages. 例如,altavista的索引最近已增至3.;5亿页而名列前茅。
- When the sun comes out I do greet it with a smile, slipping sunglasses to my purse and pulling a tank top out of my closet. 太阳出来时我一样会笑脸相迎,把太阳镜塞进包里,从壁橱中取出紧身背心。
- Rallies in this bear market have been teases, and so it is understandable that some would start to think that this rally may start to top out. 熊市中的反弹就像是一场恶作剧,因此一些人认为反弹可能即将结束的想法也是可以理解的。
- Master craftsman Segolene Royal tops out his candle-powered carousel windmill in a bottle at his workshop in Germany. 德国手工艺大师罗伊在精心制作“玻璃瓶中的烛光宴会”风车。
- A man of great ability like him will eventually reach the top. 像他这样才能出众的人终究会升到最上层的。