- The president has sent his top aide to master-mind peace negotiations between the opposing factions. 总统派出他的高级助手去组织安排对立派别之间的和平谈判。
- Mr Qin happens to be a former top aide of the city's party chief, Chen Liangyu, who is also a member of the ruling Politburo. 无独有偶,秦曾是上海市委书记兼中共中央政治局委员陈良宇的秘书。
- A distracted Pompey dispatches Durio, his top aide, to take care of the gold, loading his vault onto an ox-drawn wagon. 处于极度混乱中的庞培派出了他最得力的助手杜里奥去将这些金币装在一辆牛车上运走。
- A top aide to Gordon Brown has been asuspected victim of a “honeytrap” operation by Chinese intelligence agents. 戈登布朗的一个高级助手被怀疑为中国间谍人员温柔陷阱的牺牲者。
- This week, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon sent his top aide to press for an end to the Sri Lanka conflict. 本周,联合国秘书长潘基文派遣他的高级副手敦促斯里兰卡的武装冲突尽早结束。
- This week, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon sent his top aide to press for an end to the Sri Lankan conflict. 本周,联合国秘书长潘基文派出他的特别助手,施压结束(政府军现与猛虎组织的)战斗。
- Houser arranged for his top aids to visit the disabled factory. 豪泽派他的高级职员来参观我们报废的工厂。
- Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi's top aide said he would not resign over a damaging scandal in which he was photographed talking to a transsexual prostitute. 义大利总理普洛迪的首席助理说,他不会因为自己被拍到与一名变性妓女聊天的高杀伤力丑闻而辞职。
- The White House sidesteps questions about whether Vice President Dick Cheney passed his top aide the identity of a CIA officer central to a federal grand jury probe. 对于副总统切尼是否将一名中情局特工的身份泄露给他的高级助手一事白宫采取了回避态度,将其交由联邦大陪审团调查。
- The memo is significant because Bush and his top aides knew. 该备忘文件之所以重要是因为布什读过它,它说明布什及他的高级助理知道。
- Gwendolyn Hatcher, former inspector general of the city Department of Cultural Affairs, told a federal jury that an outraged Myerson stormed into her office with three of her top aides in tow. 前[纽约]市文化局调查主任哈彻告诉联邦陪审团说:怒气冲冲的迈尔森带领着她的三个高级幕僚闯入她的办公室。
- Lawrence Wilkerson, top aide and later chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell: Cheney brings this accumulation of power and ability to influence the bureaucracy to a fine art. 美国国务卿科林.;鲍威尔的高级助手兼参谋长,劳伦斯
- As mock inquisitors grill him, top aides take notes and critique the answers with the President afterward. 当伪装的法官对他严刑逼问时,高级副官们在旁记录,后来又把的供词重新检查了一遍。
- Acting President Goh Kun made the decision after meeting with top aides, a presidential spokesman said. 总统发言人称,代总统Goh Kun在会见高级助手后作出上述决定。
- As mock inquisitors grill him,top aides take notes and critique the answers with the President afterward. 当伪装的法官对他严刑逼问时,高级副官们在旁记录,后来又把的供词重新检查了一遍。
- A man of great ability like him will eventually reach the top. 像他这样才能出众的人终究会升到最上层的。
- They interview top AIDS experts, gay activists, condom distributors, a sex toy saleswoman, a cross-dresser playing Queen Elizabeth II and an Indian transgender hijra in a sari. 她们采访了顶级艾滋病专家、同性恋活动家、安全套分销商、性玩具售货员、扮演伊丽莎白二世的变装演员、以及带着卷布的印度变性人。
- She eyed me from top to top with coldness. 她冷淡地把我从头打量到脚。
- Can you reach the book on the top of the cupboard? 你能够到柜顶的那本书吗?
- Your room opens off the top landing. 你的房门朝向顶层楼梯平台。