- toolbars in workbook [计] 工作簿内工具栏
- Whether to show the toolbar in the playlist window. 是否要在播放列表窗口显示工具栏。
- How would I remove a toolbar in Firefox? 我怎么才能删除火狐中的工具栏?
- In the Names in workbook box, enter the name for the link. 在“在当前工作簿中的名称”编辑框中,输入链接的名称。
- Complete the exercises in Workbook A from page 32 to page 35. 完成练习册A第十一课的作业第32至第35页。
- However, it is by design and is how the toolbar in Internet Explorer works. 其实,它是设计使然,并且是Internet Explorer中工具栏的工作方式。
- You can change the layout, position, and content of toolbars in the integrated development environment (IDE). 您可以在集成开发环境(IDE)中更改工具栏的布局、位置和内容。
- Opera's most important functions can be found on toolbars in the form of buttons, input fields and dropdown menus. Opera最重要的功能都可以在工具栏中找到,其表现形式包括按钮、输入框和下拉菜单。
- The buttons available on the toolbar in the Find Results windows allow you to navigate the list of matches. “查找结果”窗口的工具栏中提供的按钮使您可以在匹配项列表中导航。
- To open the Symbol dialog box with a single click, you can add an Insert Symbol button to any toolbar in Word. 要通过单击一次鼠标来打开“符号”对话框,可以向Word的任意工具栏中添加一个“插入符号”按钮。
- Use the toolbar in both form view and browser view to perform common operations on this tab. 使用窗体视图和浏览器视图中的工具栏均可以执行此选项卡上的一般操作。
- Menu use should be reserved only for infrequently accessed commands (we discuss organizing controls again later in this chapter and discuss toolbars in depth in Chapter 23). 菜单应该为那些很少访问的命令保留(我们会在本章的后面讨论控件的组织,在第23章中详细讨论工具栏)。
- Most of the features that were accessed by using the menus and toolbars in earlier versions of the Microsoft Office system can now be accessed by using the Ribbon. 在早期版本的Microsoft Office system中使用菜单和工具栏访问的大部分功能现在都可以使用功能区访问。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- Therefore, if you want to maximize the work area, you may want to keep the Quick Access Toolbar in its default location. 因此,如果要最大化工作区,可能需要将快速访问工具栏保留在其默认位置。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- The ReportViewer toolbar in the Windows Forms control includes commands for viewing a report in print layout and setting page sizes. Windows窗体控件中的ReportViewer工具栏包括用于以打印布局查看报表和设置页大小的命令。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。