- Tomb figures in different regions have different characteristics. 不同地区的俑,有不同的艺术风格和情趣。
- The tomb figures' appearance reveals the aesthetics of the Tang people. 并突出地体现了唐人的审美趣味。
- In the Tang ree-color tomb figures began to be made, ushering in a glorious stage of development for Chinese sculpture. 唐代出现了三彩俑。大唐盛世的俑也进入辉煌的时期。
- Most noticeable of the Tang tomb figures are the very graceful singing and dancing figures. 最令人注目的是乐舞俑
- From the Song Dynasty, the custom of burying tomb figures gradually disappeared. 宋代之后,以俑殉葬的习俗衰落而绝灭。俑,永远地成了历史的遗存。
- The celadon tomb figures are ceramic glazed and rust red all over and look cute. 瓷俑通身青釉,并布满铁锈红,看上去非常可爱。
- Tomb figures in Sichuan Province are cryptic but convey an impression of varied and active movement and a strong sense of humor. 四川地区的俑,动态大,造型生动,形象朦胧,形式多样,幽默感强,
- Thus came the saying of "Making tomb figures will bear no offspring" later, cursing those who buried ceramic tomb figures with dead. 所以有了“始作俑者,其无后乎”这种对拿陶俑做殉葬的人的诅咒。
- The Qin Dynasty tomb figures are rigid with no big variation in style. The Han Dynasty tomb figures, by contrast, are lively, vivid and display greater diversity. 汉代人物俑富于材质美。形象生动活泼,改变了秦俑那种模型化和动态比较僵硬的缺点。
- The horse and chariot tomb figures of the mid and late Han Dynasty, such as the wooden horses and chariots unearthed at Weiwu, Gansu Province, appear simple and strong. 汉代中晚期的车马俑也很有特点,造型拙朴,气宇轩昂,如甘肃武威的木制车马俑。
- It is informed celadon tomb figures have also been discovered in other places of China, but the two in Xiaoshan are the only pair with such a big size and unique shape. 据介绍,在国内其他地方也发现过青瓷人物俑,但体积这样大,造型如此独特的,只有萧山的这一对。
- The Emperor Qin Shihuang had mystically built his bomb with many buried ceramic tomb figures that was today's Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses Figurines we found in Shanxi. 他死后发生的事情也恰恰印证了那句诅咒:“始作俑者,其无后乎”,让那些乐于拿人做陪葬的人断子绝孙。
- The Terracotta Warriors in Emperor Qinshihuang's mausoleum represent the first development peak of Chinese tomb figure creation. 秦始皇兵马俑是俑的第一个高峰。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?
- On the Tomb Figures of Sui and Tang Dynasties 隋唐时期的镇墓神物
- Coloured Tomb Figures of African Men (2 pieces) 彩绘黑人男立俑(2件)
- As a matter of fact, just by the side of the grey-tune tomb figure, a small life-painting of scenery-painting of nature of the painter hung on the wall has another sort of vision and that is the lyric scenery of academism we can usually see. 其实就在灰调子俑造型的旁边,墙上挂的画家的小幅风景写生却是另一番景象,那是我们通常能看到的学院化抒情风景,他有这个能力,但一旦进入创作表达,王东春却满腔热忱一根筋地进入“泥瓦匠状态”。
- Nothing is so fallacious as fact, except figures. 除了数字外,没有一样东西是像事实那样靠不住的。
- We spied three figures in the distance. 我们望见远处有三个人影儿。
- Aromatic draft resolution 3: Toilet " flavour " the most crucial only then the person that make tomb figure or closestool, but we should notice a little only, it won't give the incommode in the home. 芬芳提案三:卫生间“味道”最要害的始作俑者还是马桶,但我们只要稍微注重一下,它就不会给家里添麻烦了。