- Occurrence and Control of Tomato Gray Mold in Green House 棚室番茄灰霉病的发生与防治
- Occurrence of Tomato Gray Mold in Solar Greenhouse and its Control 日光温室番茄灰霉病发生与防治技术
- Control of Ningkangmeisu on Tomato Gray Mold in Sheltered Ground 宁康霉素对保护地番茄灰霉病的防治效果
- On the Tomato Gray Mold Occurrence and Fungicide Control in the Protected Lands 保护地番茄灰霉病的发生及防治研究
- Field experimental results in controlling tomato gray mold with SYP-Z048 25% EC 25%25啶菌?f唑乳油防治番茄灰霉病田间试验
- The efficacy test of several drugs for controlling tomato gray mold in greenhouse 大棚番茄灰霉病药剂防治试验
- The Symptoms of the Protection Tomato Gray Mold and Their Prevention and Cure Technology 保护地番茄灰霉病症状及防治技术
- Study on the ecological control and integrated control of tomato gray mold in greenhouse 保护地番茄灰霉病生态防治配套技术
- Model and Application of Fungicide Resistance Management in Tomato Gray Mold Control in Greenhouse 保护地番茄灰霉病抗药性治理策略的理论模型与实践
- Keywords bigenic pesticide;colloid formulations;tomato gray mold;Chinese chives gray mold; 生物源农药;胶悬剂;西红柿灰霉菌;韭菜灰霉菌;
- Influence of Pyrimethanil on the Activity of Ectoenzyme and the Length of Germ Tube Coming from Resistant-mutants of Tomato Gray Mold 嘧霉胺对灰霉病菌抗性菌株胞外酶活性及芽管长度的影响
- Theoretical Model of Fungicide Resistance Management Strategy of Tomato Gray Mold Control in Greenhouse and its Practice 保护地番茄灰霉病菌抗药性治理策略的理论模型与实践
- tomato gray mold 番茄灰霉病
- Obviously biocontrol effect of four actinomycetes strains on gray mold disease of tomato was obtained in greenhouse,especially strain 06-6,the efficiencies of control was 81.2%. 温室试验中4株放线菌对番茄灰霉病均有不同程度的防治效果;以菌株06-6表现最为明显;防效达到了81.;2%25。
- Now, the research of B. cinerea mainly focused on gray mold defecting and its infecting reasons. 目前对于灰霉的研究主要集中于其引起感染的机制以及灰霉疫情的防治上。
- Oxopoconazole is not only effective against diseases controlled by common azoles, but also against gray mold. 恶咪唑不仅具有如三唑类常规药剂的活性特点,而且对灰霉病有突出的防治效果。
- Star Gazer,Peter Ossetia,Marshal,Sorbonne's disease index were less 15%,which had a higher degree of resistance to gray mold. 凝星、梯伯、元帅、索邦妮的病情指数在15%25以下,对百合灰霉病具有很高的抗性;
- Study of several fungicides to control gray mold on tomato 几种杀菌剂防治番茄灰霉病的药效评价
- Aunt Emily put up a dozen cans of tomato last fall. 去年秋天埃米莉姑妈做了12瓶番茄酱。
- He is cast in his father's mold. 他长得和他父亲一模一样。