- You must remember, if you please, that I stretch my tolerance towards you as my wife's brother. 不过你不妨记住,我决不会跟你计较,因为你是我的内兄。
- Moreover, it is a challenge to the government's tolerance towards different views, a big stride forward in promoting free speech. 此外,它有自我挑战能耐的味道,在广开言路上,跨出一大步。
- I am tolerant towards the difference. 我和宽容,我会对差异持开放态度。
- She's tolerant toward those impudent colleagues. 她对那些无礼的同事采取容忍的态度。
- Moreover,it is a challenge to the government's tolerance towards different views,a big stride forward in promoting free speech. 此外,它有自我挑战能耐的味道,在广开言路上,跨出一大步。
- The private sector has demonstrated less tolerance towards corruption as evident in the rising numbers (188 in the year 2000) of management referrals. 被举报的管理人员数目的不断增加(2000年有188人)证明了社会大众对腐败的容忍度已经下降。
- If the government could use its authority more appropriately and show more tolerance towards the artists, this should be conducive to the overall environment. 在政府的一方,如果能更适当地利用手中的权力,对艺术家有更多容忍,对整个大局应该更有利。
- However, his tolerance towards others were so merciful that even overflowed, he was always giving a helping hand but not scolding. 可是,他对别人的缺点却是宽容得不能再宽容了,总是想着去帮助他们而不是责备他们。
- It should be noted that the expression "blatantly unjustifiable" allows fairly generous tolerance towards the defending party. 为了杀人而侵入他人住宅的,即使尚未着手杀害行为,但也被视为不法侵害行为已经开始。
- If the government could use its authority more appropriately and show more tolerance towards the artists,this should be conducive to the overall environment. 在政府的一方,如果能更适当地利用手中的权力,对艺术家有更多容忍,对整个大局应该更有利。
- This individuality reveals a variety of immeasurable dimensions to him, so it furthers his understanding of life itself and increases his tolerance towards his fellowman. 这种个体的独特性向我们揭示了一系列无尽广阔的空间。这使我们拓展了对生命的理解,也让我们更懂得宽容他人。
- Our government is tolerant toward all religious beliefs. 我们的政府对所有的宗教信念都是包容的。
- And most of present research is made in the way of taking Yasuzo Simizu as an internationalist full of love and tolerance toward China.There is no wide discussion on his Views on China. 而且现有的研究大多是从一个热爱中国文化、具有基督教的博爱与宽容精神的国际主义者的角度来看清水,对清水的中国观没有较深的论述。
- a reputation for tolerance towards refugees 对难民宽容的美誉
- At this time, we will be tolerant towards them, give them the opportunity to correct mistakes. 这时,我们就要宽容的对待他们,给他们改正错误的机会。
- Now the jackals came into their own, for male lions, possibly through sheer laziness, are usually very tolerant towards these quicksilver scavengers. 这时那些豺走了过去,可能因为是非常非常懒惰,雄狮往往对那些快速敏捷的食腐动物非常宽容。
- A mother naturally feels protective towards her children. 母亲对自己的孩子自然会悉心保护。
- It's natural to slack2 off towards the end of a hard day's work. 一天紧张工作快结束的时候有些放松是自然的。
- This has gone beyond the gauge of her tolerance. 这已超出她的忍受范围。
- She angled her column of chitchat toward teenagers. 她的漫谈栏侧重于十几岁的青少年。