- The letter was written on a single sheet of paper. 这封信只用一张纸写成。
- This has gone beyond the gauge of her tolerance. 这已超出她的忍受范围。
- The curtains were enveloped in a sheet of flame. 窗帘被火焰吞没。
- Sheet in the main sail, a storm in coming! 收回主帆,风暴要来了!
- The doctor wanted us to use the sheet for a shroud. 医生想让我们用床单当裹尸布。
- He looks at the sun through a sheet of smoke glass. 他透过一片熏黑的玻璃观看太阳。
- He tears a sheet of paper in two. 他把一张纸撕成两半。
- The little boy is learning how to sheet a bed. 小男孩正在学怎样铺床单。
- She wrote her name and address on a sheet of paper. 她把名字和地址写在一张纸上。
- The doctor wanted the sheet for a shroud. 医生想用床单权作裹尸布。
- He hammered out the dents in the metal sheet. 他把金属板上的一些凹痕敲掉或敲平了。
- After the heavy frost the road was a sheet of ice. 浓霜过後,路面结了一层冰。
- Physiological tolerance to a drug resulting from repeated use. 适应性由于长期使用某种药物而产生的对该药的生理上的耐药性
- This machine part was built to a tolerance of 0.01 millimeters. 这一机器部件的制造公差是0.;01毫米。
- In ordinary living there can be some tolerance of unpunctuality. 在平常的生活中,对不准时的行为可以给予一些宽容。
- They wrapped fish and chips in a sheet of newspaper. 他们把鱼和马铃薯片用一张报纸包起来。
- A sheet of hammered, rolled, or cast metal. 金属板锻造、轧制,或铸造而成的金属板
- He shook a sheet of metal to simulate the noise of thunder. 他摇动一块金属薄片来模拟雷声。
- Lacking tolerance, breadth of view, or sympathy; petty. 才智有限的缺乏忍耐力、认识深度或同情心的; 气量小的
- The accountant prepare a balance sheet for the first half-year. 会计已准备好上半年的资产负债表。