- He put up a token show of obedience. 他装出一副顺从的样子。
- These flowers are a small token of my gratitude. 谨以此花聊表谢忱。
- He gave me a necklace as a token of his affection.. 他给了我一根项链作为爱情的象征。
- Our troops encountered only token resistance. 我们的部队仅受到表面上的抵抗。
- He was a mechanic who was on probation. 他是一名见习机械工。
- A white flag is used as a token of surrender. 白旗是用作投降的信号。
- The status of a person on probation. 察看在服缓刑(或在受察看)的状况
- He gave his wife a ring as a token of his love. 他送给妻子一枚戒指,作为爱情的信物。
- I sent her a gift as a token of my congratulation. 我给她寄去一件礼物表示祝贺。
- token probation 象征性缓刑
- The union called a one-day token strike. 工会发动了持续一天的象徵性罢工。
- The two workers are dismissed from the factory by the same token. 那两位工人以同样的方式被工厂解雇了。
- A technician on probation was hit by a piece of falling masonry. 一个见习技术员被建筑物上落下的一块石头砸着了。
- We sent the poor girl a birthday present in token of friendship. 我们送给那个可怜的小女孩一份生日礼物作为友谊的表示。
- The probation officer reported on the progress of the two young criminal. 监督缓刑官员对两个青少年犯的进步作了汇报。
- Jack did not report in to his probation officer. 杰克没有向缓刑犯监督员报到。
- His actions were a token of his loyalty to the king. 他的行动证明了他对国王的一片忠心。
- The two workers were dismissed from the factory by the same token. 那两位工人以同样的方式被工厂解雇了。
- He is on three months' probation. 他正在服3个月的缓刑。
- Please accept this gift in token of our affection for you. 请接受这一礼物,这是我们微薄的情意。