- Mike: Bennie, Bennie, Bennie, that's for when toilet roll man walks in the door. 迈克:本尼,本尼,本尼,当爱情来到的时候,你还管它什么规矩?
- Common causes of losing mobiles were falling out of pockets and being knocked into the toilet when being placed on things like the toilet roll holder. 通常丢失原因是从口袋中掉出来,当放在向卷纸盒上被碰到厕所中。
- Life is a piece of toilet roll...Too gentle won't properly clear your asshole...Too hard it tears at which moment you never know... 好男人不会让心爱的女人受一点点伤。。。。。生活如厕纸,劲小擦不净;若欲增其力,漏之而摸腚。
- One year, my mother-in-law was given a crocheted flamenco doll with a skirt designed to fit perfectly over a toilet roll, to remove any risk of embarrassment that naked toilet paper might cause. 有一年,我婆婆收到一件钩针编织的弗拉明戈舞者玩偶,身上的裙子正好可以完全遮盖住成卷的卫生纸,从而避免了没有遮挡的卫生纸可能引起的一切尴尬。
- the cardboard tube from the centre of a toilet roll 手纸卷中央的硬纸管
- toilet roll cutter and perforator 卷筒卫生纸裁切与打孔机
- Customers eat from mini plastic toilet bowls. They wipe their hands and mouths using toilet rolls hung above their tables, which may be glass-topped jumbo bathtubs. 前来就餐的顾客从塑料制的“迷你”马桶状容器中取食,并用挂在桌子上方的卷筒手纸擦手和擦嘴,而桌子看上去则是一个加了玻璃盖的大浴缸。
- The toilet rolls that serve for wiping hand and mouth are hung above the tables 、 which may resemble glass-topped jumbo bathtubs. 擦拭手和嘴的捲筒卫生纸挂在桌子上方,这些很像配置了玻璃顶的巨型浴缸。
- Bates on the misbehaviour of Besiktas fans in the Champions League earlier this season: \"All those toilet rolls coming on was orchestrated. 贝茨对本赛季早些时候冠军联赛中贝西克塔斯球迷的骚动行为很不满:“所有这些扔下卫生纸卷的行动都是蓄谋的。
- Customers eat from mini plastic toilet bowls. They wipe their handsmouths using toilet rolls hung above their tables, which may be glass-topped jumbo bathtubs. 前来就餐的顾客从塑料制的“迷你”马桶状容器中取食,并用挂在桌子上方的卷筒手纸擦手和擦嘴,而桌子看上去则是一个加了玻璃盖的大浴缸。
- Chock the barrel up or else it will roll over. 用楔子塞住圆桶,不然它会滚过去。
- Poems by German literary giants Heinrich Heine and Christian Morgenstern, as well as tales and detective stories could be found on the toilet rolls, Hemmerstoffer told reporters at the Frankfurt book fair. 黑默斯托弗在法兰克福书展上对记者说,人们在厕纸上可以读到德国文学巨擘海因里希-海涅和克里斯廷-摩根施泰恩的诗歌,还有故事和侦探小说。
- The slow steady roll of the ship made him sick. 轮船不停地缓慢摇晃使他感到不适。
- I must buy some toilet requisites. 我必须买些卫生间必需品。
- He washed his hands with a toilet soap. 他用香皂洗手。
- The desk calculator use a roll of paper. 这台台式计算机使用卷纸。
- She is crazy about rock and roll. 她喜欢摇滚乐。
- The sewer in the toilet was blocked. 卫生间的下水道堵住了。
- I'm going to a rock and roll concert tonight. 我今晚正要去参加摇滚音乐会。
- Jane made a toilet before going to the party. 珍在动身去参加聚会前梳妆打扮了一番。