- tobacco growing area of Yunnan 云南植烟区
- Comparative Analysis on Chemical Components in Flue-cured Tobacco Leaf from the Main Tobacco Growing Areas of Yunnan Province 云南烤烟主产烟区烟叶化学成分比较分析
- On the flat of GIS, using principal component analysis and dynamic stepwise cluster analysis of SPSS, tobacco growing area in Yunnan is regionalized different ecoclimate types. 摘要在GIS平台上,利用统计分析软件SPSS中的主成分分析和动态逐步聚类方法进行云南烤烟生态气候类型区划。
- With the platform of GIS, using principal component analysis and dynamic stepwise cluster analysis of SPSS, tobacco growing areas in Yunnan is regionalized into different eco-climate districts. 摘要 在GIS平台上,利用统计分析软件SPSS中的主成份分析和动态逐步聚类方法进行云南烤烟生态气候类型区划。
- Analysis of Climate Factors and Theirs Influence on Chemical Components of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves at Tobacco growing Areas of Hunan Province 湖南烟区气候因素分析及对烟叶化学成分的影响
- A comparative study of chemical components in flue-cured tobacco leaf from the main tobacco growing areas of Henan province 河南烤烟主产区烟叶化学成分的比较分析
- Ailao belt, Dali Lijang Ninglang belt, and Southeast area of Yunnan, Luxi Ruili in the west of Nujian... 对上述金矿类型和重点找矿区进行了概述。
- The Primary Research on Traditional Dwelling Houses and Settlements in the Western Area of HoneHe Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province. 云南红河西部地区传统住屋和聚落研究初探。
- Chronostratigraphy and sedimentology study of Longjie section where silt layers are well preserved in Yuanmou area of Yunnan province. 对云南元谋龙街粉砂层保存较好的龙街剖面进行了年代地层学和沉积学研究。
- Yi girls in Honghe area of Yunnan Province like to wear a kind of cockscomb-shaped embroidered hat, regarded as a symbol of good luck and happiness. 云南红河地区的彝族姑娘还喜欢戴一种鸡冠式的绣花帽,据说这是吉祥、幸福的象征。
- There is a growing area of interest that addresses problems when a dominant crack does not exist. This field is coming to be called "damage mechanics". 目前有越来越多的学者对不存在主裂纹的问题的研究感兴趣,这个领域正在被称为“损伤力学”。
- Dayao copper deposit locating in the north of the basin is the best mineralizing concentration area of malmstone copper in the middle of Yunnan province. 大姚铜矿床位于盆地北部,是滇中砂岩型铜矿最好的矿化集中区。
- Abies fabri bark, collected from Heshui Forest Area of Yunnan, was extracted by water solution or sulfiting and the tanning extract with water was modified by sulfiting or syntan. 我国冷杉蓄积量丰富,广泛分布于西南、西北广大林区,开发利用冷杉鞣料具有重要意义。
- Education is a vital and growing area of Canada-China cooperation, presenting exciting opportunities for students, scholars and educational institutions. 教育是加-中合作关系中的一个重要的增长领域,为学生、学者和教育机构带来了激动人心的机遇。
- Mandarin is the common language of the Han people, while Lincang dialect is a branch of Yunnan sub-dialect in the southwest area of modern Chinese north dialect. 摘要普通话是现代汉民族的共同语,临沧方言是现代汉语北方方言西南官话区云南次方言的一个分支。
- Thus, a basic understanding of the more commonly used neuroimaging techniques is important for understanding and interpreting this growing area of research. 因而,神经影像学方法越来越常用,其基本知识对于充分理解和解释这方面的研究很重要。
- The first chapter delimits her area of research. 第一章阐明了她的研究领域。
- More rain is required in the key growing area of Madhya Pradesh if the situation is to turn positive, said G.S.Chauan, director of the National Research Centre for Soybeans. 国家大豆研究中心主任G.S.乔安说,形势的好转取决于中央邦的重点种植区出现更多降雨。
- RiChang Agricultural Products Co., Ltd is situated in central China-Xinyang city, is the main growing area of Chinese agriculture with fertile land and suitable climate. 信阳瑞昌农产品有限公司位于中国中部-信阳,是中国农业的主产地,本地土壤优良,气候适宜,盛产多种农副产品。
- It is a civil taste snack in the south of Yunnan. 是滇南民间风味小吃。