- To put it bluntly, you're fired! 直截了当地说吧,你被解雇了!
- To put it bluntly, I want a divorce. 坦白地说,我要离婚。
- To put it bluntly, this is shifting responsibility. 说穿了, 无非是想推卸责任。
- To put it bluntly, I think you have made a complete mess of things. 恕我直言不讳,你把事情搞得一团糟。
- To put it bluntly, I think your chances of getting admitted are slim to none. 坦白说,我认为你获得录取的机会微乎其微。
- And in today's depressed world, that policy is, to put it bluntly, predatory. 在当今经济低迷的世界上,直截了当地讲,这是一种掠夺的政策。
- To put it bluntly, it's a ruse on the part of large scale interest groups for the future. 说白了,就是写摆设,是一些大型利益集团为未来设的局。
- To put it bluntly, the question of whether people are appointed on their merits or by favouritism has not been settled satisfactorily. 不客气地讲,任人唯贤还是任人唯亲这个问题并没有解决好。
- To put it bluntly, many of them are heavy Xiaoqi Ji Duxin ghosts, like the children were as easy spoof. 说穿了,他们很多都是忌妒心重的小器鬼,又像孩子般容易被哄骗。
- To put it bluntly, tFS is the place to wear your thinking cap and smoking jacket both at the same time. 底线: 这个套应该适合一般的吸烟者(和香草热心者),除非缺乏烟精华是一台真正的成交破碎机。
- Regardless of your views of health care reform, this particular argument is, to put it bluntly, nonsense. 不管你对医保改革的看法如何,这个观点,说穿了,荒唐之极。
- There is,to put it bluntly,no moral leadership in Washington,or in the news media,if the horror that we have created is swept under the carpet. 不客气地说,如果我们遮掩我们所赞成的这件可怕的事,华盛顿或新闻界就都谈不到精神领导。
- To put it bluntly,the question of whether people are appointed on their merits or by favouritism has not been settled satisfactorily. 不客气地讲,任人唯贤还是任人唯亲这个问题并没有解决好。
- To put it in a nutshell, we're bankrupt. 简断截说,我们破产了。
- I don't know how he manages to put it all away! 我真不知道他怎么吃得这样多!
- There is, to put it bluntly, no moral leadership in Washington, or in the news media, if the horror that we have created is swept under the carpet. 不客气地说,如果我们遮掩我们所赞成的这件可怕的事,华盛顿或新闻界就都谈不到精神领导。
- To put it bluntly, China boasts a booming economy, which boosted our confidence and blurred the division between us and rich economies. 直率的讲,中国为拥有一个蓬勃发展的经济而骄傲,这增强了我们的信心,并使我们与发达国家的差别变得模糊起来。
- Peking man had acquired any of his heart of hearts there is a habit of not attended, or To put it bluntly, Peking man has a inherent inertia. 北京人的骨子里就有一股拿什么都不当回事的习惯,或者说得难听一点,北京人都有一种与生俱来的惰性。
- The new film has not been a great success, to put it mildly. 说得婉转些,这部新电影不太成功。
- To put it bluntly,you're fired! 直截了当地说吧,你被解雇了!